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(Created page with "I've a quick question to ask you... 'do you know How-To create your own personal BLOG and RSS Feed so you Too usually takes advantage of all of the advantages Blogs and RSS( R...")

Latest revision as of 05:09, 30 April 2015

I've a quick question to ask you... 'do you know How-To create your own personal BLOG and RSS Feed so you Too usually takes advantage of all of the advantages Blogs and RSS( Real Simple Syndication) need to provide you and your company'? Your not alone, In the event that you answered NO. I didn't either previously, but that didn't stop me from finding out How-To by myself. So fundamentally, what I am wanting to say is by the time you finish reading this informative article you'll be a master at creating your own personal Blogs and RSS Feeds in a matter of minutes by merely following my simple 'Detailed' guidelines below. With that said, Buckle Up, set your thinking cap on, get your self a beverage and get ready to learn... 'HOW-TO Put In Place Your Own Weblog and RSS-FEED In Under 5 Minutes...' Know lets head to Step no 1. Stage #1. Go set-up a merchant account with Blogger.com. That is probably the easiest part of all, that is simply setting up an Blogger.com bill at http://www.blogger.com. Go there right now. It will take one to Blogger.com's homepage. Once there, you'll see a red arrow pointing towards the right that says...'Create Your Site Now.'.. click on it. That is Step no 1. Stage # 2. Making your account with Blogger.com. In the event that you thought Step #1 was easy than Step #2 would have been a breeze. Just decide on a User-name and Password that you'll remember followed closely by your Email Address.( You don't need certainly to use your primary email handle, you can use a Totally Free web-based email account like Hotmail or Yahoo If you want. Your choice.) Then check always the-box that says 'I accept the Terms of Service.' Now continue by clicking on the arrow that says... 'Continue.' That's Step #2. Step no 3. Calling your Blog.( Very IMPORTANT) Now, according to what your Website is about your going to want to use your target 'Keywords' within the name of one's Blog, its description and the URL. And there's a very good reason for this simply because this is what the Search-engine lions are going to see first. They'll first see them within your Blog name which is at the very top of your Blog that your guests see, they will see them within your description of your Blog and then they'll see them within your Blog URL that you select. How come this SOoooo important? By using your 'Target Keywords' within those areas I just outlined, thats exactly what the Search engines will use to index your Blog under so when some one does a search for those target keywords, guess whose Blog will pop-up within the results depending on your rivals? That is right, Yours The Search-engines will even use those area's I discussed on your SE listing within there effects catalog. Here's an illustration for a fast 'Case-Study' for you. That is one of my Blogs I have. Get to http://internet-marketing-tactics.blogspot.com You'll recognize my Blog concept, information and URL all have the 'Key-word Phrase.'.. Internet-marketing Method. To take this a step further, I want you to go visit these search engines MSN, Yahoo and AlltheWeb and type in 'internet marketing methods' within there search containers so you can see where my Blog sits within those SE's so you can see the importance of getting your Target key-words within those area's I mentioned early in the day. MSN http://www.msn.com Bing http://www.yahoo.com AlltheWeb http://www.alltheweb.com In-the MSN SE effects my Blog is #1 for that keyword, in Yahoo I am #11( not bad) and in AlltheWeb I am #18. Naturally these positions may really with time but just like long as you get the place of WHY you need to use your Target keywords with-in those 3 areas. Lets move on. Now, your last step for Step no 3 is to just key in the 'Verification Code.' After you have done that, click on the orange arrow below that says... 'Continue.' Step # 4. Picking your theme. If every thing went well in that Blog name and Step number 3 you chose is not taken you ought to be taking a look at a bunch of Blog templates Blogger.com offers. Just choose the one you prefer most and then click 'Continue.' CONGRATULATIONS You just created your first Blog and accomplished Step #4. You need to now be taking a look at an arrow that says... 'Start Posting.' Select it and it'll get you to where you can start posting whatever it's you need. Now that you have set-up your Blog your probably wondering... 'where does RSS squeeze into this system'? Step # 5. Locating your RSS URL. So what can I say, I always leave the Very Best for last. Accepting your still inside the Blogger.com 'Posting' area you'll discover a number of tabs towards the top branded, Posting, Settings, Template and View Blog. Click on the 'Settings' tab. This can take one to a sub-menu having a bunch of additional options. Out of all those possibilities click the one which says... 'Site Feed.' And there it is. In case people fancy to identify further on https://www.linkedin.com/company/orange-county-seo-company, there are many databases people might consider pursuing. It will look something similar to this http://yourblogname.blogspot.com/atom.xml Here is the URL you'll need to use to increase your RSS Feed with to the RSS search engines and directories so that everytime you make a article, the RSS Search engines and directories may be 'Automatically' notified and updated with your latest information bringing your Blog more exposure to your audience. That about sums it up because of this training, but, just before I go I'll leave you with a few articles I wrote previously RSS campaign to help you have the Most from your Blogs and RSS Feeds. Listed here are the links http://www.internetwondersezine.com/article_13.html http://www.internetwondersezine.com/article_14.html http://www.internetwondersezine.com/article_16.html Now that you're armed with these details that I just revealed to you, you must have not a problem creating and getting the out of your RSS Feeds and Blogs..

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