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Oke siapa yang sering bermain SEO?
udah pada tau tips-tipsnya? kalo belum tau nih ane kasih tau caranya.
Judul Tag
Nah Judul tag ini sangat penting  karena pengunjung nanti akan melihat dari judul tag anda. Judul Tag adalah header tag yang paling penting dan harus hati-hati dalam membuatnya. Halaman judul ini adalah hal yang pertama dalam mesin pencari dan akan melihat ketika menentukan halaman tertentu.Oke,yang akan bekerja adalah calon pengunjung akan melihat ketika melihat daftar mesin pencari Anda. Itu penting untuk memasukkan kata kunci atau dua judul di tag.
Mengubah halaman dinamis ke urls deskriptif
Halaman dinamis yang memiliki format www.site.com?page=10. Sebaiknya di ubah menjadi seperti www.site.com/seo-tips.php.
Penggunaan yang tepat dari Tag
Ini adalah elemen yang penting untuk mempertimbangkan ketika menulis keluar situs anda. Penggunaan menuju tag dapat membantu pengguna, salinan Halaman judul utama,anda harus menggunakan <h1> tag ini menunjukan tentang halaman anda. Ada beberapa tag tambahan seperti <h2> dan <h3> tag ini berguna untuk memecah salinan dan anda akan melihat visual beristirahat di text. Tetapi jangan  khawatir, mesin pencari akan secara otomatis tahu tentang topik berada di halaman. Berbagai tag akan memberikan prioritas untuk isi situs anda dengan membantu indeks.
Atribut Alt pada gambar
Dalam mengenakan atribut alt gambar benar-benar melayani dua tujuan. Dalam hal SEO, yaitu meletakkan deskriptif singkat namun atribut alt harus bersama dengan gambar Anda. tempat teks relevan tambahan kode sumber yang search engine dapat melihat ketika mengindeks situs Anda. Lebih relevan teks pada halaman Anda semakin baik kesempatan Anda memiliki untuk mencapai peringkat mesin pencari yang lebih tinggi.Judul atribut link
Termasuk judul atribut link,yaitu langkah penting lain pada situs web yang baik dan anda miliki. Dan akan muncul bila Anda Tempatkan mouse di atas link. Ini sangat penting untuk gambar link, tapi berguna juga untuk teks link.
XML sitemap
Dapat digunakan oleh pengunjung web untuk membantu mereka menavigasi melalui situs Anda sendiri. Daftar ini dari semua halaman / posts / dll situs Anda juga termasuk informasi seperti halaman yang terakhir tanggalnya diubah, serta sejumlah prioritas dari apa yang anda rasakan paling penting pada halaman situs anda.
Relevant content
Digunakan untuk menempatkan semua kata kunci yang Anda inginkan dalam meta tag dan tag alt gambar, tetapi jika teks yang sebenarnya dapat dibaca pada halaman tidak relevan dengan kata kunci target, itu berakhir pada dasarnya akan menjadi usaha yang sia-sia.
Link building
Pada hari-hari untuk mendapatkan peringkat yang lebih tinggi dengan menghasilkan banyak backlink ke situs Anda mungkin akan berakhir. Google telah membuat jelas bahwa kualitas backlink adalah terpenting.
Social Media
Sosial Media (media dirancang untuk disebarluaskan melalui interaksi sosial) adalah faktor pertumbuhan dalam mendapatkan situs web yang anda lihat. Dan mengatur account pada kegugupan, Facebook, dan LinkedIn.
Menonton kepadatan kata kunci
Situs harus memiliki jumlah yang tepat dari kata kunci, tidak terlalu banyak atau itu menyakitkan peringkat Anda. Gunakan utilitas kepadatan kata kunci (seperti http://www.searchterms.com/keyword-density.aspx) untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki cukup, tetapi tidak terlalu banyak kata kunci di berbagai elemen halaman Anda.
There are many ways to make money online. If you are just starting out, one of the easiest ways to do this is to promote Cost Per Action (CPA) offers. Although some of these offers are commissioned based where you split the commissions with the owner, other offers allow you to give away things for free in exchange for a payment.
What makes this such a great system is that you don't have to do traditional selling. You are often promoting offers for big name companies, which adds credibility to your offers. It is simple to get started, but you still have to learn the basics of affiliate marketing and building a business. There is a simple way to do this.
CPA Fix is the answer. This comprehensive forum and resource offers everything you need to get started with CPA offers. It includes everything from a forum to reviews and offers. Everything has been organized to make it as easy as possible to learn how to promote them too. Because this is a high traffic site, it's an opportunity to connect with those who are serious about CPA marketing and learn from them.
CPA Fix is run by expert internet marketer Oliver Kenyon, he knows exactly what he's doing. He has created one of the most incredible internet marketing resources I've seen, and it's also the most comprehensive and and complete resources on CPA.
It includes the following free resources:
Forum - connect with other CPA marketers, as well as CPA companies. Get your questions answered and help others.
Blog - get the latest updates and resources related to CPA and promoting CPA.
List - find the top CPA networks as rated by affiliates. Don't waste your time promoting offers that don't convert. Only the best are listed here.
Reviews - read reviews on each of the CPA networks. Just about every network you can imagine is listed here.
Offers - get the latest offers directly from the networks. Search for the offers you are interested in.
Deals - Get all the best tools here. You'll find everything from web hosting to pay per click advertising. Save big when you're building your new business.
Need more help? Then check out the Dojo. This section of the site offers step by step guides, case studies, daily updates and more to help you succeed in CPA.
Check out the video in the link below.
[http://imnuggets.com/specialoffer1 more CPA profits]

Revision as of 12:19, 17 January 2014

There are many ways to make money online. If you are just starting out, one of the easiest ways to do this is to promote Cost Per Action (CPA) offers. Although some of these offers are commissioned based where you split the commissions with the owner, other offers allow you to give away things for free in exchange for a payment.

What makes this such a great system is that you don't have to do traditional selling. You are often promoting offers for big name companies, which adds credibility to your offers. It is simple to get started, but you still have to learn the basics of affiliate marketing and building a business. There is a simple way to do this.

CPA Fix is the answer. This comprehensive forum and resource offers everything you need to get started with CPA offers. It includes everything from a forum to reviews and offers. Everything has been organized to make it as easy as possible to learn how to promote them too. Because this is a high traffic site, it's an opportunity to connect with those who are serious about CPA marketing and learn from them.

CPA Fix is run by expert internet marketer Oliver Kenyon, he knows exactly what he's doing. He has created one of the most incredible internet marketing resources I've seen, and it's also the most comprehensive and and complete resources on CPA.

It includes the following free resources:

Forum - connect with other CPA marketers, as well as CPA companies. Get your questions answered and help others.

Blog - get the latest updates and resources related to CPA and promoting CPA.

List - find the top CPA networks as rated by affiliates. Don't waste your time promoting offers that don't convert. Only the best are listed here.

Reviews - read reviews on each of the CPA networks. Just about every network you can imagine is listed here.

Offers - get the latest offers directly from the networks. Search for the offers you are interested in.

Deals - Get all the best tools here. You'll find everything from web hosting to pay per click advertising. Save big when you're building your new business.

Need more help? Then check out the Dojo. This section of the site offers step by step guides, case studies, daily updates and more to help you succeed in CPA.

Check out the video in the link below. more CPA profits

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