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Psychic Christopher Golden - Spiritual Voice for your Times

Psychics usually have fascinated me. So when I learned about Christopher Golden, the go-to seer to the celebrity set, I had been intrigued. Here was somebody that was not seeking publicity, wouldn't normally look at radio or television, but had quietly managed to become a highly trusted adviser for some of the most popular names in Hollywood. I contacted him by email. Even though nearly all of my questions were answered with "no comment" he had a couple of interesting items to say. This is what I've been capable of uncover up to now about the mysterious mister "Psychic Christopher Golden" of Beverly Hills..

Psychic Christopher Golden - Psychic Christopher Golden has offered psychic advice for the past twenty years. This celeb clairvoyant concentrates on what he calls "love spell alternatives" and the man has a client roster of the "who's who" in 90210. This has been rumored how the Hollywood elite flock towards the Beverly Hills Psychic for relationship and career advice. Golden states offer metaphysical services "to people all walks of life and round the globe - mostly just everyday people". However past and offer high-profile clients have included the likes of Cameron Diaz, George Clooney, Tori Spelling, Jennifer aniston, LaToya Jackson, Madonna, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, Pink and Brad Pitt. When inquired on this rumor however, Golden would not read the claim. The answer returned simply, "no comment".

Psychic Christopher Golden claims that he's, first and foremost, a spiritual counselor, who believes that "by influencing individuals media, to raise the degree of their consciousness, it's possible to also enhance the amount of the collective consciousness, since we live in a media-driven society" He adds, "Celebrities matter, because they are the part models to which our society, specially the young people, turn to for modeling their own behavior and beliefs".

Not surprisingly, Golden states have a "very high rate of psychic accuracy". I've found many positive reviews of him online and are already struggling to find anything negative about him or his services. This can be rather unusual. Golden says he's given psychic readings to a lot of people all over the world, and that many clients, over the years, revisit.

The Beverly Hills love guru conducts his sessions by phone. He could be very private and won't see clients personally. However this apparently will not stop people, whether people in high places, or simply average folks, to him for spiritual guidance regularly. Says Golden, "I enjoy my anonymity. When I leave the house, people don't ask me for psychic advise as they do not know who I am. I like it this way. Doing work hard and that i work often, so my down time is very important to me".

Being a psychic adviser to 1 from the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Christopher Golden once was invited to be on towards the show, but refused so that you can maintain his privacy. And again, he will not confirm this rumor, although an origin from the televised series has said they did try to make him be visible on the show at least one time.

Based on Golden, "My only focus is always to provide accurate psychic readings to his clients, at much affordable prices". However, there is a section on his website called "The VIP Package" where he charges $50,000 to become wear a month-to-month retainer. Nice work when you can have it, and apparently you can find those who find themselves prepared to pay.

According to Golden, "I have many clients in Dubai". This likely would explain the whopping price tag for personalized on-call service. Dubai will be the new global playground for your world's super rich, the land luxury cars which also become jewelry and $25,000 a night rooms in hotels. To some Saudi Prince, putting this Golden boy on the monthly retainer is probably a drop in the bucket. Clearly the true cash is in the future.

"I given accurate readings to lots of people and when I were not accurate, my clients would not be returning for more". This clairvoyant supplies a discreet consultation plus a confidential psychic forecast, at as few as $45. In accordance with Golden, " I really believe there are no problems which don't also have solutions". He claims to know problems before they happen so that you can prevent them. One of the slogans on his website states that, "To Be aware of Future is to Change the Future".

Every psychic reading Christopher Golden performs, he guarantees clear and accurate answers. He admits that he doe not "speak in vague, generic terms". Says Golden, "If I am not sure the solution to something, Let me tell you. Easily see something crucial in your future, Let me tell you the exact same thing. No psychic is 100 % accurate, so if I say to you something will not fall into line with your personal inner voice, be skeptical. Psychic awareness just isn't a precise science".

The Beverly Hills Psychic states that "Time exists within our mind as well as the human organism survives by constantly referencing our past, our present, and our future. They are our coordinates. However, the will to see beyond this illusion often doesn't come, unless one is truly in a crisis state". When asked what kind of crisis a celebrity would encounter, Golden responded by stating that, "Celebrity itself is a crisis. Having constant attention centered on you'll make anyone highly self critical and insecure. Also, a high profile continues to be an individual, susceptible to exactly the same uncertainties, disappointments, heartbreaks, hopes and dreams as everyone else".

Psychic Christopher Golden has often answered whether love spells normally work after looking at them advertised all around the media. A straightforward Google search yields numerous pages of websites, these claiming that they'll reunite lovers in weeks, days, and hours or even sometimes within minutes. Additionally, websites like these claim a 100% rate of success. Now begs the issue, can it be a surprise that the sites only accept the repayments via Western Union? These kinds of individuals who We have just described are gypsy scam artists, in accordance with Golden, who muddy the reputation of genuine psychics who're honest and know very well what they do. Sadly, the internet is becoming bigger and the gypsy scams are becoming increasingly popular. How can a genuine psychic take on such websites which make such extravagant and bold promises? Perhaps it is just a predicament where the cream rises to the peak.

Specialists Golden about the ever increasing popularity of "end times prophecies" and doomsday conspiracy theories. Here's what he previously to say, "People who talk cynically about how the universe will end do not realize that such beliefs are paranoid, superstitious and away from step using the modern age. Standards of just living will almost always be increasing. Violence overall is down. The indegent live a lot better than the well off who lived hundreds or so years ago. Today, people have microwaves, indoor plumbing, cellular phones and are also afforded free public education that wasn't available even a hundred years ago. On the planet we are living in, will there be room for some improvement? Needless to say, absolutely. But may be the world in their final stages of decay? I don't think so. Mankind is clearly experiencing some growing pains at this time, but overall we are experiencing a collective evolution within our overall state of consciousness. And i also check this out like a positive thing. I will be optimistic concerning the way ahead for this planet".

Psychic Christopher Golden explains that there's ne method he's seen to be useful, to maintain the perspective and never being trapped through the media frenzy and lies that we are always told concerning this world that people are in. It is very important meditate for 20 minutes, at least two times per day. "Meditation is key to staying grounded. In my opinion eventually it'll be taught in schools. Meditation elevates consciousness as well as the elevation of one's consciousness will be the fastest way to break negative karmic cycles - whether individually or like a nation".

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