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Learn About Managing Pests In This Article

Has your home been invaded by pests? Are you struggling with an infestation of insects, mice or other vermin? Does nothing you do seem to work? You may just need some effective pest control tips that you can start using right away. The following article will point you in the right direction.

Check to see if you have any centipedes around the house. Centipedes usually will prey on other bugs, so if you have a lot of them, you may be infested. In this case, the best thing that you can do is to hire a professional to help get rid of the issue in your home.

Rats are attracted to the idea of finding shelter in or near your home. By taking the time to eliminate those small and dark hiding places, rats are forced to look elsewhere for a home. Make sure you eliminate dense shrubbery, wood piles, ivy and any ground covers which can serve as nesting ground.

If you see a row of ants in your garden, and you want to prevent ants from getting into your house from the outside, draw a line of chalk around your home's perimeter. Ants turn away when they encounter chalk. You can draw a line of chalk at the base your house to minimize chances of entry.

If you decide to use pesticides to eliminate pest, make sure you select a pesticide adapted to your situation. You should read the label carefully to make sure the product can be used inside a home and keep the product away from your food, children and pets at all times.

Termites can ruin the foundation of your home. Once they start chewing through the wood, they can cause severe structural damage. One way to cut down their numbers or eliminate them altogether is to make sure you reduce the amount of moisture in your home. Take the time to fix any leaky pipes or water fixtures.

Do you have a problem with fruit flies? You can get rid of them with a little apple cider vinegar! Pour some vinegar into the bottom of a tall glass. Add a little bit of dish soap. The fruit flies will swim into the glass, but won't be able to swim out, and will drown.

Carpenter ants are attracted to damp wood; therefore, if you notice an increase in carpenter ants, check your pipes and roof for leaks. Once you have found where your problem is located, fix the leak and replace the wood to help quickly rid your home of carpenter ants. You may also want to call in a pest-control expert to treat your home.

Avoid using wood chips and straw around the outside of your house when doing gardening or other outdoor hobbies/activities. Pests tend to be drawn to these substances and will eat them or try to live in them. You should consider using stone or rock whenever possible to avoid having issues.

Pest control! You deserve to be able to put your feet up at night without worrying about what will be under them when you get up. Bugs and rodents are a nightmare to live with and a real hassle to get rid of. Hopefully, you've found a solution to your problem in this article.
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