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I have always had good complexion, however, recently I have been getting a lot of blackheads as well as zits. I decided to try to get rid of these with a blackhead extractor and I discovered this really great nifty thing on Amazon. I do pretty much all my online shopping on Amazon because I have Prime membership and I really like how you get free shipping and super fast delivery This blackhead and whitehead extractor by Malva Belle comes in a really pretty pink packaging, and to be honest, that is what got me hooked to begin with However, the tool itself certainly didnt disappoint me either. It is made of sturdy stainless steel and I can tell it really is well made. It has a no-slip handle and a loop at both ends. This unique Learn more at remover/ wiki has endless elegant tips for when to mull over this thing. The flat loop is used for getting rid of blackheads and the wire loop is utilized for getting rid of whiteheads. It really is very easy to use; first have a hot shower or bath or use a hot washcloth to open up the pores. Sterilize the tool with cotton and alcohol and wash your hands. After that just carefully glide the loop over your skin to extract the contents. The best part is that you really only have to use light pressure to have the blackheads and whiteheads come out It is actually addictive and I might just be little bit odd, but I really love using this device It is very satisfying to see all the gunk come out I have been using the Malva Belle Clear Skin Beauty Tool now for a few weeks, and I am able to honestly notice improvements in my skin. There is less blackheads and I dont get as many zits any more. This is actually my favorite beauty tool, and I always bring it with me in my purse. I have never been this fascinated with a little beauty tool before, and if you suffer from blackheads I truly suggest you get one of these too It comes with a generous 100 money back guarantee allowing you to try it out totally risk free - you get your money back if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

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