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(5 鈥榟ealthy鈥?foods that aren鈥檛 very healthy)
(Inside the Game- Steve Nash's scenarios going into training camp)
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Protein Bars
it looks like he鈥檚 finally recovered physically.
Protein bars are an infamous staple of the health food isle but beware, not all of them are created equal.  Be smart, read the label. Important tips to remember when shopping for protein bars: Watch out for high saturated fat and calorie options. Try to find a bar that has less than 250 calories, less than 2 grams of saturated fat and less than 8 grams of sugar with at least 2 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. Shank s top picks are Think Thin and Quest Bars. Another healthy alternative to store bought protein bars is making your own at home. Check out one of Shank s favorite homemade recipes: Quick and Easy (key words) No Bake Protein Bars by .
鈥淗e鈥檚 healthy now, he鈥檚 been playing some games and a lot of soccer over the summer,鈥?said Lakers reporter Mike Trudell on 鈥淎ccess SportsNet: Lakers.鈥?鈥淗e hasn鈥檛 played on the NBA five-on-five yet, and until he gets to that point, we won鈥檛 know how he鈥檒l do.鈥?
We鈥檝e heard that before.
Turkey Bacon
It was just last summer that Nash was going through a very similar situation. He ended his first season in LA injured and took the summer to get back in shape. He trained, traveled and played soccer. He seemed ready to perform. However, he was only able to play 15 games, averaging only 6.8 points and 5.7 assists as a lingering nerve irritation in his back and lower leg kept him at just 20.9 minutes per game.
While turkey bacon may be slightly healthier than regular pork bacon, it still isn't very healthy, especially for people who are trying to monitor their fat and sodium intake. Yes, turkey bacon is lower in calories and made from white meat instead of red meat, but it still is highly processed and contains significant amounts of fat, saturated fat and sodium. Overall, processed meats whether made from white meats (chicken, turkey) or red meat (bologna, roast beef, ham) are generally the least healthy options when it comes to proteins.
Now, a year older, most fans will be wondering if Nash can actually bounce back. What could possibly have happened that would allow him to have an impact on the court this time around?
Take Away Message: You re better off consuming fresh turkey or purchasing an all-natural brand of turkey bacon like Applegate Farms, which has no added nitrates added (preservatives which add to the sodium content), and sticking to the portion size of two slices.
鈥淭he biggest deal with Nash was the nerve pain he鈥檚 had ever since he broke his leg the second game that he ever played for the Lakers,鈥?said Trudell. 鈥淭hat has gone away this summer.鈥?
That鈥檚 the significant positive development that could make a difference. Nash suffered a fracture in Oct. 31, 2012, and didn鈥檛 quite recover until now.
Veggie Chips
鈥淚f he can have that nerve pain stay away, then all of a sudden we may be able to see more of the Steve Nash we expected, regardless of the fact that he is the oldest player in the NBA,鈥?Trudell explained.
If the first word of a product starts with VEGETABLE you may think that it s healthy but then look at the next word, CHIPS. You re kidding yourself if you think eating veggie chips is healthy eating. Don t believe me? Just look at the ingredient list! The first ingredient (most highly concentrated ingredient in the package) certainly is not mixed vegetables; nope, the fist ingredient usually is corn flour or potato flour with small amounts of veggie powder mixed in. Yes, veggie chips may be slightly lower in calories than the average potato chip but they still are highly processed and lack nutrients.
Minute management
Take Away Message: Try making homemade kale chips or sticking to the basics of eating REAL vegetables! When it comes to store bought brands of chips, try to find options that contain 240 mg of sodium, 3 grams of fat per 100 calories and at least 3 grams of fiber. My top picks are Whole Foods 365 Whole Wheat with Flax and Onion Pita Chips or Stacy s Whole Wheat Pita Chips.
Whether Nash stays healthy or not, one thing is certain: his minutes will need to be carefully monitored. At 40, Nash is conscious that he can鈥檛 be on the court for too long. Still, he believes he can have an impact.
Microwavable Diet Meals
鈥淚 always want to contribute. I proved to myself that I can still play at a high level, it鈥檚 just how many minutes and how often, that鈥檚 what I have to try to figure out,鈥?Nash said during his exit interview last season.
Okay, so the properly portioned size of these meals may help you lose weight (at first) but filling yourself with highly processed meals full of artificial ingredients and sodium is a real mistreatment to your body. I suggest that you try to cook meals in bulk and freeze them. Single servings of 4 ounces of protein (chicken, fish filets, and lean beef) stay well in the freezer along with frozen vegetables. If you re packing a meal for work, try batch cooking single servings of meals in microwavable dishes so you can easily transport them and pop them in the microwave; you know, the same way you pop those meals that have 50 ingredients that are hard to pronounce; it can be that easy, if you plan.
It will be up to Lakers head coach Byron Scott and his staff to figure out whether Nash can contribute and for how long. According to TWC SportsNet analyst and former NBA assistant coach Dave Miller, the key will be allowing Nash to play early on.
Take Away Message: If you do not have time to batch cook during the week and microwavable meals are your only option then try organic or natural microwavable brands such as Amy s or Khashi. I also recommend that you add a side of veggies or a tiny side salad to make these meals more wholesome since most do not contain a whole serving of vegetables.
鈥淲e won鈥檛 know if he鈥檚 reliable until he gets out there,鈥?said Miller. 鈥淚鈥檇 like to see him, if healthy, start, because that gives me a barometer of where he is at and answer whether he can play consecutive games.
鈥淏yron is going to have to figure out how many games his body can sustain because the bottom line is this: they need Nash to be able to exert his energy during the games,鈥?he explained.
Read more  for healthy eating, weight loss and more.<p>Related Articles:</p><ul><li><a href=http://www.buycelinebags.com>Celine Bags</a></li><li><a href=http://www.buycelinebags.com>Buy Celine Bags</a></li><li><a href=http://www.buycelinebags.com>Celine UK Outlet</a></li></ul>
Regardless of the amount of minutes he鈥檚 able to offer, Nash鈥檚 determination, coupled with the fact that he鈥檚 in a better place physically than he was last summer, have sparked some enthusiasm with those watching closely.
鈥淚鈥檓 predicting a big surprise with Steve Nash,鈥?said Lakers legend James Worthy recently on 鈥淎ccess SportsNet: Lakers.鈥?nbsp; 鈥淚 think there is a vital role for him to play. When you need to control things, put him out there.鈥?
Steve Nash alongside Lakers legend James Worthy in the TWC SportsNet studio. 'Big Game' believes Nash will be helpful for the Lakers despite being the oldest player in the NBA. &nbsp;
Nash as a mentor
Given the hardships sustained over the last two seasons, there is a strong possibility Nash鈥檚 impact on the floor will be limited. But even if his body can鈥檛 stand the pressure from the games, Nash can still play a key role for the Lakers this season.
After 19 years of top-level basketball, and as one of the smartest players to ever play the game, Nash possesses invaluable basketball knowledge, which is something Scott will be able to use as he starts a new process with a young Lakers team.
鈥淣ash is very cerebral,鈥?said Coach Miller. 鈥淢ost guards when they come into the league they have a mentality of attack first, think later. Nash is totally opposite. Nash can help them with that floor demeanor of having teammates move with a purpose and then picking them on time.鈥?
That knowledge will certainly help with young prospects such as Jordan Clarkson, who was picked up by the Lakers in a draft day trade and will likely see some minutes at the point, especially if Nash is not healthy enough to play.
Nash will also be a great presence in what will be a young and diverse locker room. With&nbsp;newcomers such as Jeremy Lin, Ed Davis and rookie Julius Randle, Scott will need his veterans to lead the way. Nash鈥檚 experience will definitely be an advantage.
鈥淭he common denominator with Nash is unity, that鈥檚 how he鈥檚 known amongst coaches,鈥?explained Miller. 鈥淗e takes different personalities and different guys with different goals and he puts them together. Then it all becomes a community on the same page.鈥?p>Related Articles:</p><ul><li><a href=http://www.louisvuittontassenkopen.com>Louis Vuitton Tassen</a></li><li><a href=http://www.louisvuittontassenkopen.com>Louis Vuitton Kopen</a></li><li><a href=http://www.louisvuittontassenkopen.com>Louis Vuitton Handtassen</a></li></ul>

Revision as of 01:04, 1 November 2014

@@@ it looks like he鈥檚 finally recovered physically.

鈥淗e鈥檚 healthy now, he鈥檚 been playing some games and a lot of soccer over the summer,鈥?said Lakers reporter Mike Trudell on 鈥淎ccess SportsNet: Lakers.鈥?鈥淗e hasn鈥檛 played on the NBA five-on-five yet, and until he gets to that point, we won鈥檛 know how he鈥檒l do.鈥? We鈥檝e heard that before.

It was just last summer that Nash was going through a very similar situation. He ended his first season in LA injured and took the summer to get back in shape. He trained, traveled and played soccer. He seemed ready to perform. However, he was only able to play 15 games, averaging only 6.8 points and 5.7 assists as a lingering nerve irritation in his back and lower leg kept him at just 20.9 minutes per game.

Now, a year older, most fans will be wondering if Nash can actually bounce back. What could possibly have happened that would allow him to have an impact on the court this time around?

鈥淭he biggest deal with Nash was the nerve pain he鈥檚 had ever since he broke his leg the second game that he ever played for the Lakers,鈥?said Trudell. 鈥淭hat has gone away this summer.鈥? That鈥檚 the significant positive development that could make a difference. Nash suffered a fracture in Oct. 31, 2012, and didn鈥檛 quite recover until now.

鈥淚f he can have that nerve pain stay away, then all of a sudden we may be able to see more of the Steve Nash we expected, regardless of the fact that he is the oldest player in the NBA,鈥?Trudell explained.

Minute management

Whether Nash stays healthy or not, one thing is certain: his minutes will need to be carefully monitored. At 40, Nash is conscious that he can鈥檛 be on the court for too long. Still, he believes he can have an impact.

鈥淚 always want to contribute. I proved to myself that I can still play at a high level, it鈥檚 just how many minutes and how often, that鈥檚 what I have to try to figure out,鈥?Nash said during his exit interview last season.

It will be up to Lakers head coach Byron Scott and his staff to figure out whether Nash can contribute and for how long. According to TWC SportsNet analyst and former NBA assistant coach Dave Miller, the key will be allowing Nash to play early on.

鈥淲e won鈥檛 know if he鈥檚 reliable until he gets out there,鈥?said Miller. 鈥淚鈥檇 like to see him, if healthy, start, because that gives me a barometer of where he is at and answer whether he can play consecutive games.

鈥淏yron is going to have to figure out how many games his body can sustain because the bottom line is this: they need Nash to be able to exert his energy during the games,鈥?he explained.

Regardless of the amount of minutes he鈥檚 able to offer, Nash鈥檚 determination, coupled with the fact that he鈥檚 in a better place physically than he was last summer, have sparked some enthusiasm with those watching closely.

鈥淚鈥檓 predicting a big surprise with Steve Nash,鈥?said Lakers legend James Worthy recently on 鈥淎ccess SportsNet: Lakers.鈥?nbsp; 鈥淚 think there is a vital role for him to play. When you need to control things, put him out there.鈥?

Steve Nash alongside Lakers legend James Worthy in the TWC SportsNet studio. 'Big Game' believes Nash will be helpful for the Lakers despite being the oldest player in the NBA.  

Nash as a mentor

Given the hardships sustained over the last two seasons, there is a strong possibility Nash鈥檚 impact on the floor will be limited. But even if his body can鈥檛 stand the pressure from the games, Nash can still play a key role for the Lakers this season.

After 19 years of top-level basketball, and as one of the smartest players to ever play the game, Nash possesses invaluable basketball knowledge, which is something Scott will be able to use as he starts a new process with a young Lakers team.

鈥淣ash is very cerebral,鈥?said Coach Miller. 鈥淢ost guards when they come into the league they have a mentality of attack first, think later. Nash is totally opposite. Nash can help them with that floor demeanor of having teammates move with a purpose and then picking them on time.鈥? That knowledge will certainly help with young prospects such as Jordan Clarkson, who was picked up by the Lakers in a draft day trade and will likely see some minutes at the point, especially if Nash is not healthy enough to play.

Nash will also be a great presence in what will be a young and diverse locker room. With newcomers such as Jeremy Lin, Ed Davis and rookie Julius Randle, Scott will need his veterans to lead the way. Nash鈥檚 experience will definitely be an advantage.

鈥淭he common denominator with Nash is unity, that鈥檚 how he鈥檚 known amongst coaches,鈥?explained Miller. 鈥淗e takes different personalities and different guys with different goals and he puts them together. Then it all becomes a community on the same page.鈥?p>Related Articles:</p>
Personal tools
