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Can I call you back? <a href=" http://www.warwickhughes.com/blog/?p=custom-writing#summit ">essay service australia</a>  Mizruchi is obliged to perform such excruciating mental gymnastics to present today’s corporate elite as losing out because of the way he ends his book—with a stirring call to action for the C-suite. He wants today’s CEOs to be inspired by the example of their postwar predecessors and to shoulder the burdens, including the tax burden, of a responsible business elite. “Although the window is closing, sufficient time remains for the American corporate community to assume a position of leadership and responsibility,” he concludes. “Some will claim that this plea is as utopian as Émile Durkheim’s dream of an orderly society or Karl Marx’s yearning for a communist nirvana. But the American corporate elite has provided leadership in the past. It is long past time for its members to exercise some enlightened self-interest in the present.”
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Latest revision as of 23:56, 14 October 2016

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