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I'd like to cancel a cheque <a href=" http://arcsolutions.de/de/tetracycline-250-mg-capsules-buy-online ">250 mg tetracycline acne</a>  Maybe that&rsquo;s why, despite being so very different, it&rsquo;s an easy place to feel at home. The sense of entering a parallel future, familiar yet strange, begins right outside the airport terminal. Cuba took a determinedly different path in 1959, when clocks stopped in the world of technology and economic progress and started in another where vast American cars still rule the roads, their drivers smoking cigars out of rolled-down windows; Che Guevara reminds us to choose &rdquo;Socialism or Death&rdquo; in faded paint on a concrete wall; families in bright clothes crowd onto buses, bicycles and horsedrawn carts under Caribbean sunshine. If my son and I had been on a Cuban cliché-ticking mission we could have turned round and come straight home.
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Latest revision as of 14:08, 4 April 2016

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