Difference between revisions of "Talk:LR vs. LL Parsers"

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(How much does the job pay? http://xkali.com/jkrcomix/ jkrcomix my personal favorite: britney skye, katja kassin, ashley blue, shyla stylez and gina ryder... Would fuck the hell out of them!)
(How would you like the money? http://xkali.com/syd99/ syd99 big cocks hurt me a bit too much, but seeing a big one in a skinny womans ass is a turn on)
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How much does the job pay? http://xkali.com/jkrcomix/ jkrcomix
How would you like the money? http://xkali.com/syd99/ syd99
   my personal favorite: britney skye, katja kassin, ashley blue, shyla stylez and gina ryder... Would fuck the hell out of them!
   big cocks hurt me a bit too much, but seeing a big one in a skinny womans ass is a turn on

Revision as of 17:34, 20 December 2013

How would you like the money? http://xkali.com/syd99/ syd99

 big cocks hurt me a bit too much, but seeing a big one in a skinny womans ass is a turn on
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