Difference between revisions of "Talk:LR vs. LL Parsers"

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(I hate shopping http://xrouz.com/bubblebutt/ bubblebutt When a lady is taking dick of this magnitude in her pussy and her ass, deepthroating with a smile all throughout the fuck, that speaks volume)
(I'd like a phonecard, please http://xrouz.com/younporn/ younporn are you sure? Where are you, can I take a look? If it would not work I would try to make it even better with you...)
Line 1: Line 1:
I hate shopping http://xrouz.com/bubblebutt/ bubblebutt
I'd like a phonecard, please http://xrouz.com/younporn/ younporn
   When a lady is taking dick of this magnitude in her pussy and her ass, deepthroating with a smile all throughout the fuck, that speaks volume about this slut. Yes! she's the ulimate happy slut!
   are you sure? Where are you, can I take a look? If it would not work I would try to make it even better with you...

Revision as of 23:20, 26 December 2013

I'd like a phonecard, please http://xrouz.com/younporn/ younporn

 are you sure? Where are you, can I take a look? If it would not work I would try to make it even better with you...
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