Difference between revisions of "Talk:LR vs. LL Parsers"

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(I've lost my bank card http://xbonq.com/maturewomen/ maturewomen Her body is so sexy.. but her face.. well needs alot of work.)
(What line of work are you in? http://xbonq.com/overthumbs/ overthumbs the amount of times if cum over her... lost count, love her to bits and would give ANYTHING to fuck the shit out of her)
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I've lost my bank card http://xbonq.com/maturewomen/ maturewomen
What line of work are you in? http://xbonq.com/overthumbs/ overthumbs
   Her body is so sexy.. but her face.. well needs alot of work.
   the amount of times if cum over her... lost count, love her to bits and would give ANYTHING to fuck the shit out of her

Revision as of 11:41, 10 January 2014

What line of work are you in? http://xbonq.com/overthumbs/ overthumbs

 the amount of times if cum over her... lost count, love her to bits and would give ANYTHING to fuck the shit out of her
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