Difference between revisions of "Jane942"

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(I'm at Liverpool University http://xmmm.info/destinydixon/ destinydixon takin it like a champ)
(I'd like to send this letter by http://xmmm.info/twistyshard/ twistyshard So exciting, I just came in a bowl. I'm gonna watch this video again and eat my cum with a spoon. Too bad my bowl is not f)
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I'm at Liverpool University http://xmmm.info/destinydixon/ destinydixon
I'd like to send this letter by  http://xmmm.info/twistyshard/ twistyshard
   takin it like a champ
   So exciting, I just came in a bowl. I'm gonna watch this video again and eat my cum with a spoon.  Too bad my bowl is not full of cum like in the video...

Revision as of 20:43, 24 March 2014

I'd like to send this letter by http://xmmm.info/twistyshard/ twistyshard

 So exciting, I just came in a bowl. I'm gonna watch this video again and eat my cum with a spoon.  Too bad my bowl is not full of cum like in the video...
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