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(How many would you like? http://www.topazfiler.com/industries/ where to buy avanafil "They bite because they're hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their mouth. And its mouth is not so big, so of cou)
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fWXgoexV http://15joueraupokertoulouse.sherlenefortum.com jouer au poker toulouse Qa7N06GAl2fX
How many would you like? http://www.topazfiler.com/industries/ where to buy avanafil  "They bite because they're hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their mouth. And its mouth is not so big, so of course it normally eats nuts, fruit, and small fish, but human testicles are just a natural target. It's not normal to get your testicles bitten off, of course, but it can happen, especially now in Sweden."

Revision as of 03:13, 22 August 2014

How many would you like? http://www.topazfiler.com/industries/ where to buy avanafil "They bite because they're hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their mouth. And its mouth is not so big, so of course it normally eats nuts, fruit, and small fish, but human testicles are just a natural target. It's not normal to get your testicles bitten off, of course, but it can happen, especially now in Sweden."

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