Difference between revisions of "Talk:LR vs. LL Parsers"

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(This is your employment contract http://xbazz.com/sexoebundas/ sexoebundas They should make more vids like this.. not raunchy don't get me wrong i want some filth too, but this was a nice touch)
(I never went to university http://xbazz.com/nuvideos/ nuvideos Fake shit... Hate faking... when a woman cum she swels up down there, if any of you ever sen a real girl and made her cum...)
Line 1: Line 1:
This is your employment contract http://xbazz.com/sexoebundas/ sexoebundas
I never went to university http://xbazz.com/nuvideos/ nuvideos
   They should make more vids like this.. not raunchy don't get me wrong i want some filth too, but this was a nice touch
   Fake shit... Hate faking... when a woman cum she swels up down there, if any of you ever sen a real girl and made her cum...

Revision as of 22:57, 6 December 2013

I never went to university http://xbazz.com/nuvideos/ nuvideos

 Fake shit... Hate faking... when a woman cum she swels up down there, if any of you ever sen a real girl and made her cum...
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