Difference between revisions of "Talk:LR vs. LL Parsers"

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(Can I take your number? http://xbonq.com/sexyamat/ sexyamat she's fucking flawless, but it sucks that we don't get to see any penetration. does she do hard core stuff too?)
(How much were you paid in your last job? http://xbonq.com/hoodamateurs/ hoodamateurs That was pretty damn good but the guy has to learn some more tricks and do some more. The girl has one tight body)
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Can I take your number? http://xbonq.com/sexyamat/ sexyamat
How much were you paid in your last job? http://xbonq.com/hoodamateurs/ hoodamateurs
   she's fucking flawless, but it sucks that we don't get to see any penetration.  does she do hard core stuff too?
   That was pretty damn good but the guy has to learn some more tricks and do some more. The girl has one tight body.

Revision as of 00:06, 10 January 2014

How much were you paid in your last job? http://xbonq.com/hoodamateurs/ hoodamateurs

 That was pretty damn good but the guy has to learn some more tricks and do some more. The girl has one tight body.
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