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When your stomach acid splashes up from the stomach into the esophagus, you get the burning pain associated with this rather painful stomach condition. The esophagus is the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Stomach acid helps to digest the food you eat. The acid in your stomach is hydrochloric acid, which helps to prevent bacteria from growing in your stomach and intestines. The stomach lining prevents the hydrochloric acid from damaging your stomach. Though an occasional bout of heartburn is quite normal, recurrent and frequent occurrence can irritate and inflame the lining of the esophagus leading to ulcers as well as bleeding caused by their rupture. In the long run, it can bring about a change in the cells of the esophageal lining and can increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Also, avoid or reduce the intake of the potential irritants like caffeine, nicotine, acidic foods, alcoholic and carbonated beverages, as well as spicy and oily foods. Also, eat several frequent meals, instead of two or three heavy meals, and avoid eating before bedtime if you are having frequent bouts of heartburn and acid reflux. Another sign of acid reflux is that infants may refuse food or milk. They may cry while feeding, which may lead to choking. It has also been observed that some infants who have this disease may lose weight. Persistent bouts of sore throat and pain can be prevented by boosting immunity. One should remember that having a nutritious diet, regular exercise and stress-free life helps in prevention of nearly all infectious diseases. Lastly, note that this write-up is meant for informational purposes, and should not be substituted for proper consultation from a certified medical practitioner. Several fruits and vegetables are good when it comes to controlling the affects of acid reflux. These include, bananas, apples, figs, pineapple and papaya. You can also get the same effect from eating cabbage and carrots. As already mentioned spitting up is a common condition among the infants that can be managed by making some lifestyle changes. In fact, there are no specific treatments for acid reflux, if the baby is healthy, active and growing normally. Generally, the symptoms of acid reflux resolves by itself, when the baby is about 1to 1 1/2 years old. The occurrence of acid reflux at this age group decreases to about two percent. The acid in your stomach is hydrochloric acid, which helps to prevent bacteria from growing in your stomach and intestines. They should also explain the manner in which patients can alter a few aspects of their lives to live an acid-reflux-free life.

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