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What is Autism?

Autism is just a condition caused in children during the first 36 months of their life. Autism is basically a brain disorder. It affects the normal functioning of mental performance. Autism is characterized by a disability in a verbal and non-verbal communication. A kid with autism is suffering from mental retardation, stereotyped actions and impair...

Children have been affected more than 1.5 by autism in the USA. It's a lifelong problem that there is no cure.

What's Autism?

Autism is just a problem caused in young ones throughout the first 3 years of the life. Autism is essentially a brain disorder. It affects the normal functioning of the mind. Autism is seen as a an impairment in a verbal and non-verbal communication. A young child with autism suffers from mental retardation, stereotyped actions and impaired learning. The kid also suffers from restrained social relationships and passions of individual interests and hobbies.

The causes of Autism?

Even though that autism is this type of life damaging condition, its common cause has not been detected by researchers. A few reports show that it is caused because of abnormalities in the brain's structure and working. This fact has been supported by various brain scan evaluations. The comparisons showed that an autistic child's brain shape and composition differs from that of an ordinary child.

Genes will also be thought to be a reason of autism. Genetics play an important role in a person's life style and behavior. A kid may suffer from autism if he's a family history of autism and other problems. 1 from every 500 children is believed to develop autism on a genetic basis. Even though one daughter or son in the household is suffering from autism, the likelihood of autism increase in the other kids up to 20 %.

Prenatal infection with viruses such as for instance rubella and cytomegalovirus (CMV) may also bring about the development of autism in a young child. If the pregnant mother hasn't accumulated immunity against this disease, it can cause autism in the new-born child.

Autism can also develop in people suffering from medical ailments like Fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis and undiagnosed phenylketonuria (PKU). Autism can be also caused by developmental brain abnormalities like macrocephaly, cerebral dysgenesis and microcephaly. Neurological issues like bacterial meningitis and lead encephalopathy which are obtained after the birth may also lead to autism.

Options that come with a kid experiencing autism

Autism is famous to affect three primary regions of a life- verbal and non-verbal communication, creative mind play and social interaction. A child's capacity in these three areas is impaired. The severity varies from individual to individual.

One of the symptoms of autism is impaired social interaction. A kid struggling with autism doesn't respond to his name. The kid avoids looking at their activities and other folks. A young child could remain passive to different tones of voice. He'd remain bare about facial expressions and would not answer thoughts of individuals. He is entirely ignorant of what the others feel for him, and what influence he is leaving on people.

A young child struggling with autism will engage himself in repetitive actions like biting, rocking, hair twirling and also head banging. Autistic kiddies refer to themselves by their names in place of 'I' or 'me.' Additionally they have a tendency to speak quite late in comparison to other children.

An autistic son or daughter shows strange reactions towards feel, noise or any other sensory stimulation. He might show decreased response and sensitivity towards injury or pain. He may react against being cuddled and other activities.

A young child struggling with autism shows impaired learning. He finds it difficult to regulate himself to a daily give and just take routine. He would avoid making eye contact with almost everyone. He spends his amount of time in provides and solitude resistance to being kissed and hugged. He does not even react in the lack of parents. He will takes longer time in interpreting and understanding things.

While they develop, autistic children can become extreme and show a tendency to harm the others. They become increasingly frustrated and could even harm themselves. Young ones might also create a condition known as echolalia. In this disorder things are only learnt by them by parroting what they hear.

A kid putting up with from autism also suffers from deficiencies in creativity. He might simply gaze at a brand new object or toy, or hold it. He'd perhaps not play or try out it, like normal young ones.


There is no specific medicine which can be given in the treatment of autism. Treatment differs in line with the extent of the impairment in a child. If you feel your child shows signs of autism an expert must be used immediately for analysis and also to suggest what therapy could be given. here

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