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How can I tell if I have sleep apnea and how can I address it?


The normal patient with anti snoring is definitely an heavy middle-aged man with a neck size of more than 17 inches. But, the problem can be common in women and not totally all patients are overweight. Almost everybody who has anti snoring is really a snorer, usually an extremely heavy snorer. Breaks in breathing while sleeping are generally seen by a bed companion but this history is frequently lacking and as much as five "events" hourly are considered normal.

One of the more consistent symptoms is "nonrestorative sleep" meaning that the patient gets in the morning feeling unrefreshed irrespective of just how much he slept during the night. Extortionate daytime sleepiness is common in snore of any severity however many patients complain of weakness as opposed to sleepiness. However, several patients with severe snore have no criticism of sleepiness or fatigue.

The absolute most accurate diagnostic tool, polysomnography, could confirm the diagnosis and help a doctor in identifying the type of anti snoring present. In the past, this test was only done in specific sleep laboratories and in hospitals. Nowadays there are portable sleep recording systems that may accomplish unattended polysomnography in the patient's home, but in-laboratory testing with a technician present remains the conventional and is needed by many providers including Medicare before they will pay for treatment of sleep apnea.

With advances in portable electronics, a small device can be now used by patients called a oximeter, which is attached to a fingertip to calculate the oxygen saturation of the blood (percent of the sum total hemoglobin that is combined with oxygen). That non-intrusive monitor measures the difference in the color of the oxygenated and of the deoxygenated hemoglobins. Recordings of blood oxygen saturation while asleep may give an estimate of the severity of the problem although it isn't been probably the most reliable screening tool.


There are always a variety of treatments for anti snoring, based on an individuals health background and the severity of the problem. Many treatment programs start out with changes in lifestyle, such as avoiding alcohol and medications that curl up the central nervous system (for muscle, sedatives and example relaxants), losing weight, and quitting smoking.

Some individuals are helped by special pads or devices that keep them from sleeping on the backs. Some cases are treated with oral appliances to keep the airway open while sleeping.

If these conservative methods are inadequate, doctors often recommend continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). A face mask is attached to a pipe and a machine that blows pressurized air into the mask and through the throat to keep it open. Additionally, there are surgical treatments that may be used to get rid of tissue and expand the airway. A lot of people might need a combination of remedies to properly handle their snore.

In summary, sleep apnea left untreated could be life threatening. Excessive daytime sleepiness could cause people to drift off at inappropriate times, such as for instance while driving. Anti snoring also seems to put people in danger for stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs, also called mini- strokes), and is connected with coronary heart disease, heart failure, unpredictable heartbeat, heart attack, gout and high blood pressure.

Although there is no remedy for snore, current studies show that effective treatment may reduce the danger of heart and blood pressure problems. how to stop snoring

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