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Bez Idakula, Imoleayo Balogun, Wole Oguntokun and Emeka Nwokedi amongst others promise a memorable time at this year鈥檚 fiesta starting on Thursday

ALTERNATIVE soul musician, Bez Idakula, Jazz saxophonist and arranger, Imoleayo Balogun and theatre director, Wole Oguntokun have assured Nigerians of a rollicking time at this year鈥檚 MUSON Festival.

The trio, and other top class artists  including Emeka Nwokedi, director of the MUSON choir, Ice Nweke of SPAN and Ekpo Udoma of the Visual Arts Society of Nigeria gave the assurance on Wednesday at a media briefing on this year鈥檚 festival which has 鈥楥oming of Age鈥?as its theme.

The artists, all of whom will feature during the 10-day festival, also expressed their delight at being part of the fiesta celebrating the arts.

According to Bez, headliner of the Jazz Night happening on Friday, October 24, featuring in this year鈥檚 festival is an honour and a sort of homecoming after dropping out from piano lessons at the MUSON School of Music.

He said: 鈥淚 had been here before, being tutored by Tunde Sosan for piano and it鈥檚 good to be back. It鈥檚 a great pleasure to support MUSON Festival; I鈥檓 really looking forward to it. Thank you very much for bringing me on board.鈥? For Balogun, an alumnus of the MUSON School of Music who will be playing jazz music 鈥渂lended with African philosophy鈥?with his Big Band, performing at the Jazz Night will be a dream come true.

Award winning director, Oguntokun, thanked the festival planning committee for seeing the quality in Cyprian Ekwensi鈥檚 鈥楯agua Nana鈥?written 50 years ago and selecting it as the festival play. 鈥楯agua Nana- the Musical鈥?he is directing will show twice on Saturday, October 18.

Fresh from leading the MUSON choir to first place at a choral music competition in Italy, Nwokedi disclosed that the choir will get guests involved in this year鈥檚 choral concert on Sunday, October 26. He said of the concert divided into two parts: 鈥淭he choir will do something different this year; we will do pop choral music from the West and popular choral highlife. We are presenting danceable music, not Bach or Beethoven. The second part will feature Nigeria鈥檚 brand of highlife in choral music, the idea is to get everybody involved.鈥? Udoma explained that the exhibtion, which runs from October 19 through 22, tallies with the 鈥楥oming of Age鈥?theme of the festival as it is also the 100th anniversary of Nigeria鈥檚 contemporary arts. He disclosed that the works to be shown would be representative of Nigerian arts.

Head of the MUSON School of Music, Mrs Akpata, also assured that the youth concert on October 23, featuring the finals of the musiquest competition, will be memorable. She disclosed that it will feature six young Nigerian instrumentalists and vocalists.

Earlier, General Manager of the MUSON, Gboyega Banjo and chair, festival planning committee, Kitoyi Ibare-Akinsan, had outlined activities of the festival which ends on October 26 with the choral concert. The duo were joined by other members including Femi Adeniyi Williams, Dr. Femi Akinkugbe and Bola Sowande.

On the issue of sponsorship, Ibare-Akinsan disclosed that it has been a major problem for organisers and that this year has been particularly difficult. He however lauded Chevron and First Bank for continuing to support the MUSON. Ibare-Akinsan and the others also explained that the MUSON is not elitist, explaining that its doors are wide open for Nigerians of all classes. 

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