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A dietician, Dr Segun Onabanjo, has said that egg consumption is not harmful to human health, noting that the daily intake of the poultry product does not increase blood cholesterol in humans.

Onabanjo, a lecturer at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, stated this in his lecture at a programme organised by the Poultry Association of Nigeria of Ogun State (PANOG) to celebrate this year鈥檚 World Egg Day with the theme, 鈥淚mportance of Egg in human nutrition and health.鈥? He stated that eggs contained better quality of animal protein than that found in beef, pork and fish.

Onabanjo said: 鈥淭he intake of an egg a day has nothing to do with the blood cholesterol which many people are scared of, and that is why many people are running away from consuming eggs. It is the component of the saturated fat in the food that actually matters; it is not the cholesterol itself.

鈥淭oday, I want to let people know that egg is not harmful to the body. People should consume eggs but it has to be consumed with moderation. Egg has a lot of essential fatty acid, most especially the Omega 3 fataty acid which is good for the heart and fighting some other diseases in the body.

鈥淪o, if you consume an egg per day, you are still below the AHA recommendation of 300 milligram of cholesterol per day. This means that it has no adverse effect on the blood cholesterol level and that is the fear of many people who says they don鈥檛 want to take egg because of the cholesterol composition in it.鈥? Also speaking on the occasion, the chairman of PAN in the state, Dr Olalekan Odunsi, insisted that there was no relationship between egg intake and heart disease.

He maintained that regular consumption of eggs could help in preventing heart attacks.

Odunsi said: 鈥淎 new study shows that contrary to popular belief, moderate consumption of eggs has no negative effects on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies indicate that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect the levels of fat in the blood, and perhaps even improve levels.

鈥淓ggs are all natural and sources of nutrients that play key roles in weight management, muscle strength, healthy pregnancy, brain function, eye health and more. It may prevent breast cancer; a study found that women who consume at least 6 eggs per week decrease the proportion of developing breast cancer by 44 per cent.鈥?p>Related Articles:</p>
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