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@@@ STARS: Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher Eccleston

The Disease: A (fake) virus that manifests as a rage-induced insanity that originated in chimps and spreads through blood and saliva.

The Cure: The film s scientists believe that blood could be used for a vaccine or cure, but this never comes to fruition.

2. The Happening YEAR: 2008

STARS: Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel, John Leguziamo

The Disease: A fictional neurotoxin that is released from plants, who might just be fighting back against the humans. Side effects include a loss of speech and eventual death.

The Cure: None

3. Outbreak YEAR: 1995

STARS: Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Spacey, Cuba Gooding Jr.

The Disease: A flu-like, highly contagious, and extremely fictional virus called Motaba.

The Cure: The government creates E-1101 to combat the original strain, but a new serum is created when the disease mutates.

4. Contagion YEAR: 2011

STARS: Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Marion Cotillard

The Disease: A (fake) virus that starts out like the flu, but quickly worsens to cause seizures and eventually death.

The Cure: A vaccine is eventually created that controls the disease that has spread across the world.

5. Children of Men YEAR: 2006

STARS: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore

The Disease: Chronic, mysterious infertility has created a barren world.

The Cure: No cure is found.

6. 12 Monkeys YEAR: 1995

STARS: Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt

The Disease: All we know about this (fake) disease is that it has driven people underground, and is fatal.

The Cure: Willis time-traveling ability allows a ray of hope for a cure to shine through at the movie s end.

7. Dallas Buyers Club YEAR: 2013

STARS: Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Jennifer Garner

The Disease: HIV/AIDS

The Cure: Currently, there is no cure.

8. Outbreak: Anatomy of a Plague YEAR: 2010

STARS: Colm Feore, Michael Bliss, Marcel Cadotte

The Disease: Smallpox

The Cure: None, although vaccination within three days of exposure will make the effects less sever.

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