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"They listen. They listen and make adjustments. It's one thing to make adjustments and another thing to apply them. Our guys will apply them and they listen to the coaching staff."

Arians on whether he had to say anything at halftime:

"I knew the defensive coaches were going to be loud enough that they didn't need me. I know it doesn't seem like it with Todd (Bowles), but his voice can get real loud."

Arians on and :

"The kickers, the two young kickers did a heck of a job."

Arians on performance:

"Him? He's been doing this for two years now. I'm hollering, 'Get down...nah...go ahead and score!'"

Arians on playing through adversity:

"We're in first place. There's no adversity. It's just bumps in the road."

Arians on how big has been this year:

"He and Rashad (Johnson) both have been the most valuable players on defense. JP has been outstanding the entire season."

Arians on big game:

"I was extremely pleased. I mean, you're always happy for anybody, but with Larry, sometimes the numbers don't add up the way he plays. He's always been playing great games."

on whether he has ever had a week where any one of 3 QBs could get the start:

"I've played with like 30 quarterbacks. (Laughing) I've had a couple of those. I'm always optimistic, though."

on his status for next week's game:

"I'm not out of the clear. I need to continue to do treatment for I don't know how long."

Palmer on convincing Arians to let him run the ball on third down:

"That's one of those where you turn on the film and the hole is just huge. It I would've handed it off, () probably would have hit his head on the goalpost. I was talking him into a lot of stuff. I was just excited to be out there."

Palmer on the risk of a setback:

"I don't know. I was hoping to get hit a couple of times and landed on a couple of times and have a big guy land on top of me, and that happened and it felt great."

Palmer on how he plays well without practicing:

"I need to practice. I have way too much respect for this league and what it takes to be successful in this league...I just need to get those live reps."

Rashad Johnson on what was said by Todd Bowles at halftime:

"We didn't talk about one 'X and O' thing the entire time. That's probably as passionate as I've ever seen Todd Bowles since I've been here the past two years."

safety  on being 1-5:

"It's bad. It's awful. It means you're not a very good football team."

on his missed interception and if he's tried to catch many balls since his hand injury:

"No. I mean, I can't -- no, I just missed it. It's just something I got to make. I've got to make that play."

WAS head coach Jay Gruden on anything he can point to in the loss:

"Collective falure, pretty much."

Gruden on calls not going the Redskins' way:

"It just feels like we're snake bit right now with some of these calls. I'm not saying we're getting screwed over or anything like that, but we're not getting any in our favor. Every now and then, it'd be nice to get one in our favor."

on his fumble:
"It felt like I was down. I felt like when I was on the screen, it was down, but I'm not making the call."

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