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PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan has again assured of more successes in the war against terrorism with the intensification of joint patrols, military operations and intelligence sharing by Nigeria and neighbouring countries as agreed by their leaders in Niamey last week.

Welcoming the Ministers of Defence and Foreign Affairs of Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Benin Republic, who are in Abuja to work with their Nigerian counterparts on a legal framework for the cross-border military operations approved by him and neighbouring heads of state in Niamey, he expressed confidence that the activities of insurgents and other cross-border criminals would soon be drastically curtailed.

Jonathan reiterated his belief that such collaboration was essential for success in the war against terrorism.

He said: 鈥淚 am quite pleased with the decisions we took in Niamey to enhance and boost joint actions against Boko Haram and other cross-border criminals because we have to work together to defeat Boko Haram and other extremist groups in our sub-region.

鈥淚 believe that if we cooperate more and monitor our borders closely, the movement of criminals and terrorists, as well as small arms and ammunition across our shared borders will also be drastically reduced.鈥? The visiting ministers were accompanied to the Presidential Villa by Nigeria鈥檚 Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Aminu Wali and the Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh.

The president said with their collective experience and professionalism, he expected the visiting ministers and their Nigerian counterparts to come up with an effective action plan for the successful implementation of the decisions reached by the leaders of Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Benin Republic at their meeting in Niamey on October 7, 2014. 

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