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@@@ Khanna chief strategist Jeremy Bird, national field director for President Obama鈥檚 2012 re-election campaign, that the Binder poll reflects a 鈥渢remendous turnaround鈥?for the challenger, who trailed Honda in the June primary, 48 percent to 28 percent. 鈥淭hese numbers are a clear sign that the more voters hear Ro鈥檚 vision for strengthening our economy, fostering innovation and ensuring our children are prepared for the jobs of the future, the more likely they are to vote for new leadership this November,鈥?said Leah Cowan, Khanna鈥檚 campaign manager. Alberti said the Honda campaign commissioned a poll done last week that showed the congressman leading Khanna by 42 percent to 27 percent. He said that survey鈥檚 margin of error was five percentage points. The Khanna campaign released its poll to The Chronicle in unedited form. The Honda campaign released only selected questions and did not provide the entire poll. Khanna, an attorney and part-time university lecturer, has been endorsed by several Silicon Valley tech executives in the Nov. 4 election. Honda has the backing of labor and most of the Democratic Party establishment as he seeks an eighth term. Binder鈥檚 poll was conducted just days after the candidates met in their only scheduled debate. Khanna spent much of the televised matchup attacking Honda for what he called a lackluster congressional record and repeated missed votes. Honda called himself a 鈥渧oice for the voiceless鈥?and said that as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, he has secured millions in funding for Silicon Valley, including $900 million for BART to San Jose. In recent weeks, Honda has been forced to respond to His longtime chief of staff, Jennifer Van der Heide, apologized publicly for the e-mails, which indicated she and the congressman鈥檚 then-campaign manager considered using invitations to a State Department event as an incentive to potential donors.

Carla Marinucci is The San Francisco Chronicle鈥檚 senior political writer. E-mail: Twitter: @cmarinucci

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