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@@@ According to a 1932 review syndicated in newspapers across the country: For children who love to be read to and for children just learning to read, there are probably no better books than the Really Truly Stories of Sadyebeth Anson Lowitz. The book was said to make history human, understandable and absorbing to inquisitive youngsters and its amusing illustrations and pertinent text is sure to entertain parents almost as much as their youthful audience.

Co-authored by a husband and wife, the Really Truly Stories series had sales exceeding a million copies by the late 1960s.

As late as 1973, critics were still raving about The Cruise of Mr. Christopher Columbus, then priced at $1, calling it a fresh, charming retelling for children of the life and voyages of Columbus. (Forty years fresh, anyway.) The tenth and final edition was published by Dell in 1977. According to Worldcat, copies of the book are , though it s unclear if any of these copies are in circulation.

I mean, yes, Columbus was born years and years before anyone lived in your town if you eliminate the Native Americans, who almost definitely lived in your town. Oh and also, it s not your town. Keep that in mind, as the idea that one can possess a geographic area is relevant.

The Indians lived in what looked just like beehives. Except, you know, bigger and not full of bees.

Chug! Chug! Chug! was likely misinterpreted by Columbus and his men to mean something along the lines of: Enslave us, and give us your diseases! 

Invited appears to have been a term used in earlier decades to mean the forcible removal of indigenous people from their homes to be made into slaves. 

These Native American slaves were so thrilled to come to Europe that they danced.

And that s why we continue to celebrate this holiday, named after the brave and wonderful Christopher Columbus, who discovered a land that was previously unknown and also totally uninhabited. You know, mostly.

Happy Columbus Day.

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