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Nobody benefits when pro-fit is eradicated from the economic picture. With the economy on the mend, lots of people in the material handling industry are expecting good times without having to make any changes in how they work. Discover further on our partner wiki - Click here like. Regrettably, that means the extension of 1 particular practice that played a key role in getting the economy in some trouble many years back. Once the 'dot.coms' were flying high, they experienced rapid growth by the simple way of giving impossibly low rates and constant expansion into markets about which they knew nothing. They operated at a loss for decades on end, encouraging investors when they had achieved sufficient market share that it'd all turnaround. Sooner or later, needless to say, this 'drop a little on each package but ensure it is up in volume' business design blew up in their faces. The balloons jumped, one at a time, and the economy followed them down the pipe. Inside the material handling sector, this discredited business model continues to be greatly in evidence. Too many organizations have performed the merger game, getting them-selves involved with areas they know nothing about. A lot of have played the numbers game, moving cash from one pocket to still another to create them-selves look good for one more quarter (that is called managing for stockholder value), completely forgetting about planning. Worst of all, too many companies have obtained in-to the concept of forgoing gains in search of market share, with the idea of becoming successful when the competition is removed. This novel buy fundable competition paper has assorted thought-provoking suggestions for the inner workings of this enterprise. It's called 'purchasing a job,' meaning submitting a bid which allows for little if any pro-fit. My brother discovered ledified competition by searching Google. Theoretically, it's two benefits. I-t gets you the task, helping to make your sales figures (or even your profits) seem impressive. More to the point, for some people, it prevents your rivals from getting the job. But let us go through the down-side. Without gains, you've no money to buy research and development, money bills, etc. Your growth is all in writing, and may disappear as soon as you run out of money to buy jobs with. With minimum profit margins, you have neither the cash nor the desire to support the sale after it is made. The effect can be an unhappy customer, and that's never good news for the long term prospects of the company. Finally, let us say that the strategy of underbidding your competitors works, and your closest competitor goes broke. What are the results? Some one buys his resources for 2-5 cents on the money and opens a brand new company. He can undercut your prices, since his initial investment was so low. You have not eliminated opposition, you've made it worse. Profit is not a dirty word. When gain is eliminated from the economic equation no body -- least of all customer -- benefits. I am not saying we shouldn't be looking for efficiencies which will allow us to keep costs down while maintaining an acceptable pro-fit margin. Of course the customer advantages of lower rates, but the material handling industry specifically and the economy in general may be far healthier once we all admit to wanting our fair share. If you are satisfied with a-380 pro-fit, I suggest you purchase a government bond. It's safer..

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