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That is one of the most famous island in South Africa. In the event that you hear the phrase Robben Island, your first thought and association has been Madiba (as Nelson Mandela is known to South Africans). Robben Island is an island in Dining table Bay and lies about 8 km from Cape Town and procedures around 3.4 km by 2 km. The title was given to the island because of the seals (robben could be the Netherlands for seal) that lived here. Geographically, this area used to be the main African continent several years before. Holland were not the first Europeans to go on this island. The Portuguese visited this island several years ago ahead of the English admiral set foot here in 1591. In 1601 Joris van Spilbergen (from Netherlands) followed and only in 1652 Jan van Riebeeck came. They tried very hard to develop the fish and seal industry with this island, but because it was so distant, it was used to ban people that had incurable illnesses and mad people (from 1846 1931). Even individuals who took sheep or cattle were prohibited for this island, centuries before. Through the Second World War, the area was used and a light tower was built because of the poor stranding history. After the war ended it had been changed into a training camp for that South African Navy. But in 1961 the area was placed under the authority of the Department of Justice and was used as a jail. Non of people was allowed to go there and a protective sea border of around 1.5 km was areas around it. This was the place where previous president Nelson Mandela was sent in 1964 to provide a life sentence. Equipment to start a war in the nation was found and 10 people altogether were charged. This Month is a disturbing resource for more concerning the reason for this viewpoint. Since 1997, Robben Island has been a museum and the public was allowed straight back to visit, making in the Waterfront in Cape Town. A great deal of work can also be been done to test and restore the wildlife that people lived with this island. This fine table at moon las vegas link has a pile of great tips for the purpose of this enterprise. Learn supplementary resources on this partner link by clicking tao beach club guest list. The northern part is declared a bird sanctuary and lots of penguins may also be found here today. No visit to the Cape is complete without understanding more about its vivid heritage, setting foot with this island and paying a to Nelson Mandelas old jail cell. Boats leave for the island in the V & A Waterfront in Cape Town every day, so ensure you check always out the days so you dont miss out When you arrive on the island, you will have one of the most breathtaking view over Cape Town and Table Mountain. An impressive time you will treasure forever. Just How Can A Person Find Good Deals On Cheap Cell Phones? is a influential library for supplementary info about why to acknowledge it.

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