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Foreigners love their soft-drinks, French fries, burgers and Thais only have to have rice with every meal. Now having retired to Chiang Mai, Thailand and but which will I prefer after living most of my entire life in Canada? Just like any large town you can find an abundance of good restaurants catering to various tastes and budgets. Chiang Mai is no different. Indian people like to eat. Restaurants are full of foreigners and Thais enjoying all kinds of food. Rather than deal with good restaurants which we all dine at but not every day this informative article deals with the day to day dinner of the Thai people in Chiang Mai. Popular restaurants in The United States are Harveys, McDonalds, and Burger King. Here we have the road vendors. The outcome is a quickly organized affordable meal. Clicking certainly provides lessons you could give to your boss. The street vendors might provide fruits such as pineapple, apple, melon, berries locally grown, and more. Each fresh fruit is cut up in to small pieces and put in a plastic bag and youre offered a long wooden stick with which to consume it. Price is normally 10 baht which comes to about 25 cents U.S. and the fruits are kept cool and are de-licious. Also companies here provide fast foods and snacks. Obtain a meal of vegetables, meat and cooked rice again put into a plastic bag but this time covered closely by an elastic band for about 2-0 baht or 5-0 cents U.S. Just take your pick of a rice dish, or a noodle dish or a soup. Delicious and generally already prepared and wrapped and still warm or if you need to wait one minute they will take it out from the container and put it into the bag while you wait. Therefore a prepared food and a tasty snack for an overall total of about 75 cents U.S. For several Thais in Chiang Mai that is there most typical meal. Then they proceed to drive home, unwrap the elastic, put some grain in a bowl, place several glasses of the table with a-bottle of water and thats one of their meals. Fast foods are all loved by us and we all want it to be affordable. That people have in common. What you should find different between here and theres the price, quality and support. Value. The buying price of foods may it be at restaurants, or street vendors is cheap compared to what we are used to. An answering meal can be had for significantly less than a 1US dollar for a meal I described above with a plate of rice, cooked meal from street vendor and fruit from street vendor. For only 2.50 U.S. you can eat out at an all you can eat desserts, full course buffet, espresso, tip and taxes involved along with a tip for the parking-lot attendant The costs are low because the materials are locally grown and because the labor cost is cheap. Quality. The caliber of the meals is significantly healthiest here than back. Home KFC, McDonalds, and Harveys are popular lunch and dinner restaurants. There think again if you think youre thinking well balanced meals. Here you dont have the greasy French fries, Hamburgers stuffed full of mustard, ketchup, onions, mayo and more to cover up the taste of the meat youre eating. Here you eat rice, fresh veggies, fresh fish, drink water using the meals as opposed to an ocean sized plastic container stuffed full of snow and watered down sugar flavored soft drink. Service. A teen making a few extra bucks in a fast-food restaurant or a person making a living out of working full-time in a restaurant here. Which can you be prepared to provide the best support? Nothing more needs to be said. I discovered cheap by searching Google. If you come to Chiang Mai dont shop around for restaurants which have what you usually eat. You could as well stay home and buy a video about Thailand, or watch a TELEVISION program about Thailand. The meals listed below are healthy, delicious, and inexpensive. The basic element in all the dishes is rice. Yes rice for breakfast too. Ive never been one for grain. Apples was my staple. But here apples are pricey and while I admit to purchasing them and creating potato soup and french fries its the exception and not the rule. The Thais are known in making anything taste good, as i have mentioned before. Http://Portereyri311.Beeplog.Com On Line includes further concerning why to allow for it. So just take fresh ingredients combine Healthy, Tasty and special sauces which are the key to the style and there you have it - that with rice, and Inexpensive meals. Top if down with locally produced fresh pineapple, watermelon, pear, berries or several or more fruits and you have dinner youll appreciate and that is great for you. The interesting thing about foods is that whatever you really like is NOT ANY GREAT for you. What are your favorites? Meal, pies, French chips, hamburgers, ice-cream. Well they are not that best for you-in terms of eating them regularly. What do you hate to eat? Broccoli, asparagus, oatmeal, brown rice, boiled chicken. Well these are good for you. When you come here to Thailand. do try several different forms of Thai foods. You might find a soup that you just can not get enough of, or a Thai treat that youve no idea what it had been and which you definitely loved, or fresh fish which is plentiful here. Prawns, sea bass and more cooked up on a big plate will leave you wanting more. I have eaten fruits, snacks and foods offered by small roadside food companies and never experienced any problems. The ingredients are fresh, continued ice if required and cooking places washed frequently. Therefore I see this as a safe, cheap way to buy snacks and meals. I would suggest that you carry a bottle of water which is often obtained at 7-11 for only 13 cents as you may get a bit dehydrated especially if you are doing a lot of walking and this if something may be the reason behind a fast jaunt to the lavatory. Is there things that I do not eat that Thais eat? Yes theres a fresh fruit called Durian, the Thais just love it but its such a strong odor that when I gave a decide to try to it I had to breathe through my mouth. Apart from the smell it is abundant with taste and has the consistency of a pudding. Which I expect could be healthier to eat and what I didnt have the courage to try was the fried insects. I suppose that it is merely a matter of getting used to the view of them. Maybe I could eat o-n both insects and fresh fruit frequently if I kept respiration through my nose and kept my eyes shut while I ate. But you must try what we call Suki. Its a soup that you cook on your own desk in a pot with hot coals underneath. You select the ingredients including chicken, meat, liver, fish and add them and get them out when they are prepared. Generally the meats go in first while they take longer to cook and then the vegetables. In about five full minutes you have your soup. Two small bowls can accompany the meal. They are both made from hot peppers. One has the appearance of a green paste and the other a red paste. You are able to either dip your meat or fish into the substance or put a teaspoonful into your soup. The paste is hot, makes me sweat a bit and gives a longing to me for a cold glass of water all through I eat my soup. The red substance I really do not touch and would not suggest you try it unless youre accustomed to eating it or youre Mexican. My girlfriend feeds her Suki using the green substance and admits to making trips to the washroom throughout the middle of-the night and to not clean here teeth. A filling food for 4 people for about 3 U.S. and that includes taxes, suggestion, and bottled water with a bucket of ice. Remember how earlier on I stated that the Thais have a reputation for making any food taste delicious. That is true. The MAIN ELEMENT is the sauce. I do not know what ingredients get into the sauces but I do know that I wasnt a rice eater and now with Ill be scraping the bottom of every plate of food that is served to me. Standard white rice cooked in a rice pot mixed with fried vegetables and meat with the special sauce is merely delightful. And if you want to understand where I would eat given the option now, a fast food restaurant there or perhaps a street vendor here? My answer would be a street vendor here. Following the meal here Im filled up, the food is delicious, the fruits are great and I feel fitter and costs are so low. Want to learn more about Thai foods. Take a look at our Thai foods and recipes on our website: http.// and they are on the Surviving in Chiang Mai page. End. Browse here at to study the reason for it.

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