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The proceed to reduce in... In over 30 years, because November 1976, the US dollar and Canadian dollar have not been par as yet. Since the Canadian economy continues to be advancing through the years, the US economy appears to have fallen behind with all its chaos. The war in Iraq has not served the US economic situation but rather offset the debt, and in a move to steer clear of the estimated economic recession due to the market meltdown, interests rates are cut by the feds by 0.5 points to 4.75 per cent. The go on to reduce interest rates to help relieve the mortgage market has weakened the US dollar against foreign currency including the Euro, and providing the drive for the Canadian dollar to hit equality with the US dollar. One US dollar today buys one Canadian dollar. But the Canadian bucks gain isnt only linked to the US federal interest rate cut, but can also be viewed as the Canadian economy is growing within an upward gain from 2006 with a inflation rate, and a red hot gas industry. This rapid development of the Canadian dollar against the USA comes as a surprise to some Canadians, who calculated the Canadian dollar price at.62 67146 just four years back in 2002, and now reaching level seems too-good to be true. As Jeff Rubin, strategist and chief economist at CIBC World Markets, explained, the Canadian economy that once used to function as tired little source backwater of the North American economy is certainly turning the tables on its your government in-a hurry." Just what exactly does all this have to do with American and Canadian dealings with one another? Well, for starts there will be a growth in American exports as getting in the American markets will become cheaper for Canadians. For additional information, please consider glancing at Moisture In Your Taillights - No Big Deal. - needle9wheel's Blog - BlackPlanet.com. Because it will simply cost more for Americans to get Canadian manufactured products, although, vice-versa Canadian exports to America will also decrease. The Canadian tourism industry will also experience, because the dollar parity attempts Americans from shopping in Canada as more American visitors will decline, because the onetime savings of up to 40-50, due to the dollar price, will no longer be around to Americans. While, Canadians will endure in income, they'll gain in purchasing from American based businesses, and purchasing cars from the American side is now more appealing for some Canadians. A large amount of Canadian customers will discover drastic savings by traveling south of-the border to purchase a car, as car prices in Canada are higher than in America. My brother discovered go here for more info by browsing Yahoo. The big difference in prices might not be the maximum for all cars, but gaps in some groups such as luxurious sports cars, will save a Canadian buyer nearly 14,000 on average. But the loony will put pressure on Canadian companies which are dependent on exporting to the UNITED STATES, who is also Canadas largest trading partner. Click here small blue arrow to learn when to acknowledge it. Already, in 2006 there were nearly 100,000 job losses in southeastern Ontario, as a result of rising Canadian dollar against the US dollar. Get new information on this affiliated site by browsing to PureVolume™ We're Listening To You. Despite having such a massive work loss, the Canadian economy remains succeeding, because the manufacturing industry loss a complete of 289, 000 jobs since 2002, the Canadian economy has generated over one million jobs in resources, construction, services, healthcare, education and financial industries, leaving the national jobless charge at 30-year low. In contrast the Canadian dollar appears to be stronger over the American for the time being, but only time will tell the potential of the American dollar vs. the Canadian. There is often doubt, if asked to predict, but given facets such as for example future interest reductions by the Americans, could possibly even reduce the US dollar compared to the Canadian, and this could become reality next 6-12 months..

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