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Its well known that basketball was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Nesmith, but what is not too well known is the history of womens basketball. The inaugural women school baseball procedure was actually part of a physical education course at Smith College for girls in Conneticut. The initial womens college basketball game took place at Smith College for women in 1893 where in fact the freshman played from the sophomores. Division is a surprising resource for further concerning the meaning behind it. Unlike ladies college basketball games today, the game really happened behind closed doors and men were prohibited from watching. The rules with this first womens school basketball game were altered from those of the initial gents model to enhance teamwork. Learn further on ocwomenscare by visiting our interesting wiki. The judge had 3 areas and three players from each group of seven were granted in each zone but couldnt transfer of their zone. Surprisingly enough, these early limitations in the ladies school basketball game are strikingly like the game of netball that is played by schoolgirls and women all over Europe. Womens college basketball begun to spread quickly and the very first game between two different women college basketball teams was performed in April 1896 with Stanford beating Berkley. If you believe any thing, you will seemingly hate to compare about ocwomenscare obgyn. There were still 9 players on each womens school basketball team in this inter-college game but rather of maintaining the original concept in which a player could only keep the ball for 3 seconds and must dribble it 3 occasions before passing this was changed so a player couldnt work more than 5 feet before having to pass the ball. Yet again, nevertheless, just like the initial womens school baseball game, men werent allowed to watch the game. The formal rules of ladies college basketball were first produced in 1901 and went through numerous changes before devel-oping into the game that is performed today. One-of the best areas of the early ladies college basketball games is that the basket was sewn shut so that the umpire had to remove the ball from it each time it was put through the hoop. Following the game began the common in-door basketball court that todays womens college basketball teams play on was not always distributed around the women for a couple of years. Some womens college baseball groups had to play on grass courts outside and did not have the opportunity to play on an internal court at all..

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