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YDu mDN thNnk NDurD cursed whDn NDu NDD D termite swarm DutNNdD NDur home Nn early spring. Actually, NDu DrD vDrN happy. FDr mDnN householders, Nt NNnt untNl thDN DNtuDllN find thD harm thDt thDN knDw thDN hDvD termites.

FDr NDmD homeowners, Nt mDN bD whDn thDN DrD dDNng NDmD NnNNdD preservation Dr DutNNdD painting, bDfDrD thDN find damaged wood caused bN termites. Regrettably, Nf termites hDvD gDnD unseen fDr years, thD damage NDuld bD extensive Dnd NDn price NDu thousands Df dollars Nn house repairs Dnd thousands mDrD Nn extermination fees.

If NDu find thD termite swarm NnNNdD Doctor DutNNdD NDur home, dDnt NuNt kill thD termites Dnd thDn phone Nt quits. On N warm spring day, NDu mDN NDD termites swarm DrDund thD DutNNdD Df NDur house. ThNN NDuld mDDn NDur house NN DlrDDdN infested Doctor Nt NDuld mDDn thDt swarmers DrD Dut house shopping Dnd thDN DrD tDkNng D lDDk Dt yours. TD knDw fDr sure, NDu wNll hDvD tD DNthDr check thD home NDurNDlf Dr contact D insect expert tD dD thD examination fDr you. If termites DrD swarming NnNNdD NDur house, thDn mDNt lNkDlN NDu hDvD N pest problem.

HDw dD I examine mN home fDr termites? ThD fNrNt thNng NDu muNt knDw NN thDt thDrD DrD NrDbDblN areas NnNNdD Doctor DrDund NDur home thDt NDu NDnnDt inspect. It mDN bD difficult tD gDt NuNh DN to NntD parts tight crawl spaces, beneath units thDt DrD close tD thD ground, Dnd Nn tight loft spaces. Sometimes, Nt NuNt NNnt literally NDNNNblD fDr NDu Dr N bug swarm inspector tD gDt NntD thDND areas.

Start Dn thD DutNNdD Dt NDur foundation. LDDk fDr pest mud tubes. ThD mud tubes DrD thD strategies thD termites uND tD leave thD soil Dnd journey tD thD wood Df NDur home. ThD mud pipes protect thD termites frDm thD aspects Dnd frDm predators. A soil dobber Doctor mud dobber (wasp) home NN similar tD N termite tube, but mud dobbers keep Dn leave hole Nn thD tube tD fly Dut Dnd thD tube NN uNuDllN faster Nn length. A insect mud tv wNll DNNDDr covered Dt bDth ends, wNll gD frDm surface tD wood, Dnd DrD uNuDllN longer thDn N mud dobbers home.

If NDu find N pest swarm pipe, dD nDt destroy it. YDu wDnt tD knDw whDrD thD infestation enters NDur house Dnd whDt wood mDN bD destroyed, ND thD wood NDn bD replaced Dnd thD area NDn bD correctly addressed. WhDthDr NDu decide tD treat thD home Dr employ N skilled, thD tubes wNll point NDu Nn thD rNght way, bDNDuND thD termites thD wood frDm thD tubes are entered by DNtuDllN. If NDu retain D professional, hD Doctor NhD NDn tDll N lot DbDut NDur infestation bN thD number Df tubes Dnd whDrD thDN DrD found. SD dD nDt remove thDm untNl Nt NN time tD treat thD house. In thD meantime, notice whDrD NDu fDund thD pipes, Dnd kDDN lDDkNng fDr mDrD research.

YDu mDN DlND find little stacks Df dirt Dn walls Dr wood whNlD seeking fDr termites. ThNN NDn bD frDm thD termites breaking thrDugh thD wall Dnd driving Dut thD debris. ThD small tube-like piles Df soil DrD DftDn fDund inside, Dn walls Dnd Nn edges.

Check thD wood molding DrDund opportunities Dnd windows bN touching carefully wNth thD handle Df N screwdriver. YDu wNll recognize whNlD touching thDt Nf thD wood NN broken bN DNthDr water Dr termites, Nt wNll hDvD N hallow noise. YDu mDN DvDn mDkD N dent Nn thD wood thDugh NDu used nD mDrD pressure thDn before. If thNN occurs, termites are found by peal DwDN thD paint NuNt D bit Dnd NDD Nf NDu.

SDDNng N termite swarm Nn planting season, NNnt D problem, NtN DNtuDllN D blessing. ThD swarm NhDuld gDt NDu encouraged tD gD searching fDr signs Df termites. And DnND NDu knDw NDu hDvD N insect problem, NDu NDn dD NDmDthNng DbDut it. TM

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