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Healthy hair is a thing that everyone aspires to have. But having healthy hair is becoming really impossible in this age of pollution and sickness. People who once had healthy hair are losing their hair because of very many reasons like genetic factors, illness, medication, and also hair abuse which includes using chemicals in the hair for coloring, blow drying, straightening using straighteners such as chi flat iron, and also usage of shampoos and conditioner. Anybody who uses chemicals in their hair for any purpose should keep one thing in mind they lose their natural hair, getting it back or re growing becomes really difficult.

There are some ways that you can encourage your hair to grow by giving it the best possible environment for it. Excessive heat, cold and handling (such as excessive brushing, using rubber bands, tight braids or ponytails, teasing and hair spray) can damage the cuticle of the hair, which will leave the cortex open to damage.

In women, short hair may be a fashion statement but most prefer to have longer hair because it is generally very attractive to men. Men who can carry it off without looking like a woman or a geek is considered virile. Whatever the preference, hair is one of the most distinctive features of any person, which makes it understandable why there is so much attention paid to cutting, styling and caring for hair. The average hair growth on the head is 0.44 mm a day, or about 6.2 inches a year, and slower in other areas (fortunately!). Under normal conditions, this holds true for most people, but if you want your hair to grow faster, you have to take some measures to encourage it.

Here are some hair growth tips that might help people for re growing their hair and maintaining their hair for long.

Tip 1- Applying oil to the hair properly and regularly

There are various methods of how the oil needs to be applied to the hair and what kind of oil to be applied to what type of hair. If maintained properly, one can easily get over the system of hair loss and can have a healthy grown hair for long. Oil can be applied to the whole scalp and also can be applied only to the ends and then brushed all through the hair. Hot oil treatment is another method of applying oil in the hair. In this process the hair is treated with hot oil and then it is kept covered using a hot plastic bag for twenty minutes and then the hair is washed with hot water which gives a very warm feeling and is really good and healthy for hair.

Oil is one of the most important things for supplying protein to the hair which is very much required for the hair because hair is absolutely exclusive of protein. Oil, such as Mira hair oil, when applied to the hair directly results in giving a very healthy hair and helps in growing of the hair very fast. Choosing proper oil according to the quality of the hair is another important thing to be taken care of.

Tip 2- Messaging of the scalp

Another important procedure which helps hair growth is the messaging of the scalp properly. Scalping stimulates the blood circulations inside the head and thus helps in proper growth of the hair and results in a healthy and long lasting permanent hair.

Tip 3- Applying clay, dead sea mud, protein powder, egg, henna and essential oil in the hair increases the strength of the hair and makes the hair very strong and break free. This reduces hair fall and stimulates hair growth. All this things can be combined and used together for better results.

Tip 4- Vitamins and minerals

Good multi vitamins, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, biotin etc are very much important for hair growth. These vitamins can be found along with many products in the drug stores. Products in the market contain this vitamins and minerals in large quantity in order to encourage the hair growing.

Tip 5-Brushing technique

Another important tip is that one should never brush their hair when wet. This is because wet hair is weaker and this causes hair breakage and damage. So hair should always be properly brushed and gently brushed because brushing causes hair fall and positively should not be brushed when wet.

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