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All good pastoral theology begins with Jesus. The Gospels give us clear examples of how <a href=>maillots foot belgique</a>

 Jesus interacts with those who lifestyles are not holy. He dines with tax collectors, hangs out with prostitutes, and dares to speak to unclean foreigners. Jesus has absolutely no problem doing things with sinners.
Based on this reasoning, then, we might conclude that Christians should have no problem attending a gay wedding, even if they do not agree with it. Jesus in his pastoral engagements hardly ever judged. Surely as God s salt and light, we are called go among unbelievers, live with them, and pray for them  through their joys and sorrows in hopes of witnessing for Christ.
But there s another perspective: Marriage is a God-given ordinance that speaks to more than just the love between two people. Biblical teaching on marriage shows us  that the union of a man and woman is the icon of the union of Christ and his church. The Book of Revelation envisions the great wedding feast at the end of time, the union of the Bridegroom and his  bride.
So doing marriage incorrectly is an act of idolatry. It s a rejection of both the ordinance God has given and the meaning of that ordinance. Since the gender of the participants in marriage is important, mixing those sexes up  destroys the point marriage was meant to represent. How can a Christian be involved in such a thing?
But my heart wants to come alongside my gay friends and celebrate the joy they have found. Jesus shared his life with deeply flawed sinners. My theologically trained head realizes that  we need to make decisions based on the clear biblical witness.
Here s my answer: There were times when Jesus ...

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