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Take it from anyone who has appropriately washed rug and upholstery in Rochester, New York for many years. The Dry Foam Extraction Method is used by me completely. This low water soil removal process is just a very effective and inexpensive way to clean carpet or furniture. You've an improved system or my carpets seem like new is what Ive gotten use to hearing from a huge selection of content homeowners over time. The Von Schrader Company produces the Dry Foam Cleansing Equipment that I personally use. Theyve been in business for about seventy years. They nicely provide that their equipment is the ultimate design in low moisture soil removal. I can inform you that individual experience has certainly made a out of me.

The Bottom Line Is, Heres The Way The Equipment Works

Dry foam is deposited evenly just ahead of the brush. The foam really helps to split up the dirt from the fibers. Ab muscles soft 150,000-bristle brush gently combs and scrubs the carpet from the bottom on up. The cylindrical motion of the wash pushes the dust as much as the top of the rug pile.

The strong built-in machine removes the suds in a matter of seconds. The result is just a deeply washed and properly fragrant rug.

Heres Why The Dry Foam Extraction System Has Yet To Be Equaled

The entire washing process is completed in one pass. There no need to go back within the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.

You will find number dirty hoses to get all around the house.

The Dry Foam program cleans seriously stuck soil without hurting the rug. The fibers are scrubbed by the cylindrical brush as a result of the base

of the carpet. The carpet is deep washed.

The washing solution only requires a 10 % mixture of water. Less water eliminates over wetting of the carpet and backing.

There is you should not bother about carpet damage such as browning, shrinkage, buckling, delaminating, and form.

Unlike other cleanup systems, Dry Foam detergent does not abandon a gummy or waxy film that attracts dirt. It has a special anti-soiling

property and a pleasant smell. It has a PH Level and is environmentally safe.

The Dry foam cleaning process can actually increase the quality of air of a property by detatching mold and mildew.

The equipment is mild on mats. No hazardous compounds are released if the equipment is in use.

Some Disadvantages Of Using Hot Water Cleaning SystemsJust My Opinion

A few gallons of water are used with hot water systems. This could drench a rug.

Warm water systems can actually harm carpet fibers. It can cause colors to bleed.

Rugs could experience shrinkage, browning, and decay.

Hot water cleaning systems can keep a film or deposit that draws more soil.

More time is required by carpets to dry.

Just take My Advice

The Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning System may be the successful and most practical rug cleanup program available. In my opinion it has number rival. window cleaning london

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