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Legionellosis is a bacterial disease which may cause pneumonia. Most cases arise as single isolated events. Outbreaks are relatively rare.

Why is it called legionellosis?

An outbreak of this disease in Philadelphia in 1976, mainly among people attending a state convention of the American Legion, generated the name "Legionnaires' Disease." Consequently, the bacterium causing the illness was named Legionella pneumophila and the name of the illness was changed to legionellosis.

Is this a new condition?

No. The bacterium was initially identified in 1976, but earlier cases have now been established as far right back as 1947.

How prevalent is legionellosis?

It's estimated that about 25,000 people build legionellosis in america every year. One more as yet not known number are contaminated with the Legionella bacterium and have mild symptoms or no disease at all. Cases occur periodically and in outbreaks. Outbreaks occur frequently in the summertime but cases occur all year round.

How significant could be the disease?

Legionellosis can be a mild respiratory disease or it can be severe enough to cause death. From 10 to 40 per cent of healthy people have antibodies showing previous exposure to the organism, but merely a small percentage have a history of previous pneumonia.

Where are Legionella found?

Legionella exist naturally in water and wet earth. They've been found in creeks and lakes, hot and cold water taps, hot water tanks, water in ac cooling towers and evaporative condensers, and earth at excavation sites.

How is legionellosis spread?

The illness appears to be spread through the air from the land or water source. All studies up to now demonstrate that person-to-person spread does not happen.

Who gets legionellosis?

Folks of any age will get legionellosis but the disease frequently affects the elderly. People with underlying illnesses such as cancer or those with reduced immunity system resistance to illness may also be at higher risk. It rarely does occur in otherwise healthy people.

What are the most common symptoms of legionellosis?

The first apparent symptoms of legionellosis may be flu-like with muscle cramps, frustration, fatigue and dry cough followed closely by high fever, chills and periodically diarrhea. Conditions typically reach 102-105 degrees Fahrenheit and chest X-rays frequently show pneumonia.

How soon do signs occur/appear?

The incubation period for legionellosis ranges from two to 10 days, but is generally five to six days.

What is the procedure for legionellosis?

Antibiotics such as for example erythromycin, levaquin or azithromycin appear to be effective in treating the disease.

Why is legionellosis so hard to detect?

Legionellosis often causes symptoms just like those brought on by other bacteria, including influenza virus and other kinds of bacterial pneumonia. Furthermore, the precise laboratory tests had a need to confirm the diagnosis aren't always required. The diagnosis depends on very specialized laboratory tests involving culture of the patient's sputum or finding the organism in urine. Routine laboratory tests won't determine the Legionella bacteria.

When does the health team investigate an incident of legionellosis?

Since sporadic cases are common and presently not preventable, they are often investigated only to confirm the diagnosis and exclude an episode. If an episode does occur, an investigation to find a environmental source is performed. legionella beheersplannen

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