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Poor old Santa Claus. Often he gets a negative rap. People say he doesnt represent Christmas effectively. Individuals say he doesnt set a great example for Christians celebrating December 25. And people saygasp!that he doesnt even exist. Plus, there are some people out there who are trying to confuse just who Santa is. Is he really Saint Nicolas? Or is he some imposter, some large elf from the North Pole who desires to take credit for every little thing that Saint Nick has completed and stands for.

Scary stuff, proper? Well, if you are getting also upset by these anti-Santa suggestions, maybe you must cease reading this write-up now. It only gets worse the deeper you get into these anti-Santa theories.

Are you nevertheless with us? Good, due to the fact to preserve our image of Santa Clausour jolly old manwe require to know why people are out to get him. Then, and only then, can we stop them from trashing the very good name of the man in the red suit.

Initial off, these anti-Santa folks admit that Santa has some genuinely fantastic qualities. Hes constantly cheerful and happy. He always has enjoyable games and presents to give, and he is usually generous (unless you had been naughty, of course). But right here is exactly where these anti-Santa people cease with the compliments. You see, they say that Santa, with all his goodness, is only for kids and not for grownups.

Worse yet, they say that Santa is only about these days to make income for giant Eastern shopping syndicates. Hes only here to make other individuals a buck. All that stuff about Santa giving gifts, and spreading great cheer, is all created up, they say. The genuine goal of the man with the white beard and the red cap is to get us to consume, to invest cash, to give gifts just like Santa does.

This is horrible anti-Santa stuff, appropriate? Effectively, believe it or not, it gets worse. These anti-Santa people go on to say that Santa cant be believed because he flies about the globe in a sleigh. Naturally, the anti-Santa people have no faith in Rudolph. And speaking of faith, the anti-Santa people also say that Santa requires away from the true goal of Christmas, which is to celebrate Baby Jesus.

You see, these anti-Santa people say the genuine Saint Nicolas is greater than Santa. He was an actual particular person, they say, who believed and practiced goodwill to all guys, ladies, and kids. He was type and generous, and was a devout believer in Infant Jesus. And Santa isnt real, they say?

Had adequate? Me as well. Heres how you can know that these anti-Santa people are way off base. What these anti-Santa people dont comprehend is that Santa and Saint Nick are one and the identical. So you cant say that Saint Nick is much better than Santa, or that Santa is copying Saint Nicks style. Saint Nick is Santa! With each other, as 1, they represent all that is great about Christmas, and all that we must practice each day, not just December 25.

So, please, anti-Santa bashers, please leave the large man alone. Hes never accomplished anything but bring holiday cheer, adore for humankind, and tons of entertaining.

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