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Ever go to an event and see something brand-new and different, and think, "I need to have these"? Well that is precisely what happened to me when I saw these really cool wine charms. When I attended my best friend's bridal shower, they had this set of twelve adorable wine charms that connected THROUGH the glass with very powerful magnets. These magnets held the charm securely on the rim of the glass instead of on the base or around the stem. The set of twelve charms had six different high heels and 6 colorful handbags - so not only were they charming, they identified everyone's glass. So I did some research and found these wine glass markers on Amazon. I am an Amazon Prime member and I enjoy their high dedication to service and their easy check out. Then the seller of the wine glass charms, Simply Charmed, followed up with me to make sure I got the glass identifiers and to ensure I understood how they worked - incredible When I hosted my next party, I discovered something fun, the magnetic identifiers attached through any glass, not just wine glasses. They quickly connected through martini glasses, champagne flutes as well as my heavy beer mugs. Browsing To Check out this wine glass charms product now maybe provides suggestions you should tell your family friend. Likewise, I found Simply Charmed offers many sets on Amazon, such as beach styles, holiday themes, and Swarovski crystals. I purchased more for me and extras for birthday presents. If you like to entertain and WOW your friends, then you need these magnificent wine glass markers. Make sure you have them on hand for your next occasion. Simply click the link below and order a set through Amazon ~ you and your friends are going to love this excellent new item.

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