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The creators of, Mike and Vicki Simons,  began their careers in trucking in  in 1992. This was  years before the Internet  became so  commonly available and before inverters were sold in truck stops  in the USA.
The couple wanted to save money on meals  on the road. Instead of always eating in a truck stop restaurant , they desired to   take and cook food in their truck. Unfortunately, there were  no options besides a few 12 volt appliances  in the  truck stops .

truck driver - Mike and Vicki bought one of the 12 volt hot pots that they described as cheaply made but expensive to buy from a chain truck stop.

Upon use , they learned that the device was so inferior in quality that it burned out within a short period of time .

Because there were no other options, they cycled  through eight of those hot pots , each one  burning out while being used in-truck . There is no  amount of money that a trucker can earn  that is large enough to absorb continual losses like this indefinitely.

Mike and Vicki wondered, If we're having this kind of trouble, how many other truck drivers are having the same kind of trouble?

truck drivers - Over the years, they observed the quality of the merchandise sold in truck stops with the same brand name. They further observed the surprising lack of product reviews of these products online. That is when they decided that they couldn't remain silent they felt that they had to warn other professional truck drivers. They started their website in order to speak out. As a result, they became trucker consumer advocates.

The couple knows that they do not know all there is to know about saving money in trucking. From its inception, the website has been a platform from which other truck drivers can also speak out about their experiences with saving money or being forced to spend more money in trucking. The site has been proven to be the place to get and share great money saving tips for truck drivers.

The couple urges truckers

not to be satisfied with poor quality products to look at the warranty of each product as a clue regarding its quality and to get proof to support any claims that manufacturers make regarding their merchandise before buying them .

Because truck stop refund policies vary , the couple cautions truckers to know in advance what the refund policy is at the location where they intend to purchase a product, in case a refund is needed later.

truckers - Finally, Mike and Vicki Simons request reviews of products that truckers have personally used, for the purpose of protecting their fellow truck drivers from falling into a money pit.

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