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The brand new year started with some aspiration and we have seen some good indicators related to Canada's job market. During oil and gas project controls the first quarter the being out of work rate improved for a place to start around 7. 2 finishing the quarter at a a few. 9 unemployment rate. During the 12 months ending Walk 2014 Canada added 190000 jobs adding 43000 employment in March alone.

In producing this summary I have a look at a number of big picture factors together with Eagle's own experiences about the front end of providing talent to our clients throughout the country. From these indicators you can see trends and understand where opportunities are for opportunities in Canada.

Positive movement from the stock market will result in investment by means of public companies in projects in infrastructure and other growing initiatives which at the end of the day indicates jobs. I use the TSX as my guide and it continued its upward craze in Q1 ending often the quarter with a reading regarding close to 14200 which is virtually 100 points higher than the start of the quarter. This would suggest that we can expect these public corporations to start to invest and ideally that results in more Canadian careers.

Canada's oil sector remains with its challenges of getting approval for much needed canal which is somewhat restricting progress in that sector however by means of most market standards typically the oil patch is robust. The price of a barrel associated with oil at quarter stop was around $108 instead of $100 at the start of the 1 fourth with a strong oil cost being one indicator of your appetite for investment along with growth in jobs. The idea continues to be Alberta leading often the charge but Saskatchewan as well as British Columbia also benefit from jobs in the particular oil patch. This market employs huge numbers of people across just about all professions and trades along with continues to be a big area of probability to job seekers.

The financial market is centered primarily within Toronto but also has a robust presence in Montreal and is particularly a huge employer here in The us. This sector continues to produce a huge demand for talent and is one that job seekers would be cognizant of target. The big driver connected with demand for talent in this market will be regulatory change cut-throat pressures technological change development and the impact of retiring baby boomers over the coming decades.

Another big employer in Canada is the telecommunications sector. Pushed by technological change cut-throat pressures infrastructure growth enlargement into new markets in addition to again the impact of going boomers this is a sector which is always looking for talent.

Anyone who has done some reconstruction work or bought a brand-new home will know the trades are usually in big demand. This is an section of opportunity with good range of motion in the industry competitive incomes and large demand. In addition to the traditional houses type work and large developing construction there are continuing major projects within various groups such as the oil patch.

Governing bodies across Canada are huge employers but in recent years are already under pressure to reduce spending and also cut back on headcount. That does not indicate however that there is no prospect. Government continue to invest in projects that will result in more efficient shipping and delivery of services in customer focused initiatives and will usually provide support to particular regions and special desire groups. While the opportunity will not be as clear cut as in the past there is still an incredibly large impending impact by retiring boomers who due to their pension structure are very vulnerable to take their retirement

Often the staffing industry is the major provider of talent in just about any economy and an excellent barometer from the health of our economy. The particular Canadian Staffing Index would suggest that demand has fluctuated by way of 2013 and into the first quarter of 2014 yet is generally headed upwards although gently. Here at Eagle many of us saw an increase of 7 that individuals applying to us for job opportunities however we saw a a lot bigger increase in demand 16 for talent from our clients. Put together with earlier info this would suggest that in the skilled space we are seeing a regular greater demand for talent and also a decrease in available talent.

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