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The Stem Cell Lift® Procedure:

New Hope in Treatment of Lichen Sclerosus

By: Nathan Newman, MD

New Hope for Treating Lichen Sclerosus: Stem Cell Therapy

lichen sclerosus treatment - Revolutionary advancements in stem cell therapy are transforming the technique of medicine and providing a range of new, safe and effective treatment options for most disease conditions, for example Lichen Sclerosus. This new field of medicine has been termed Regenerative Medicine; because it utilizes the natural regenerative and reparative powers of stem cells to a target damaged tissues and restore them to health. During the last decade, We have innovated The Stem Cell Lift®, a procedure that harnesses the power of your personal body’s stem cells to use in reconstructive and cosmetic purposes. Today, we view remarkable results using the Stem Cell Lift® procedure for reconstruction of post-cancer scarred defects, for painful or damaged joints, ligaments and muscles, for wound healing and then for Lichen Sclerosus.

What exactly is Lichen Sclerosus?

Lichen Sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin usually concerning the genital and anal areas. The disease is most prevalent in females, especially post-menopausal women, followed by men, and rarely children. In addition to unbearable itching similar to a chronic candidiasis, the illness might cause scarring of the vaginal tissues and thus, narrows the vagina, which ends up in painful intercourse. Lots of women lose their wish to have intercourse for anxiety about the anguish. Less commonly, extra-genital Lichen Sclerosus appears about the chest muscles, breasts, and upper arms. Lichens Sclerosus is not contagious.

Many doctors are not sure of Lichen Sclerosus and aren't in a position to diagnose the illness correctly. Many patients are instructed to see numerous doctors before a correct diagnosis is created. Lichen Sclerosus, just like many other chronic skin diseases, has had limited effective procedures. Generally, doctors advise a strong corticosticosteroid ointment or cream, to provide temporary relief with the itching and discomfort.

The Stem Cell Lift® Procedure

The Stem Cell Lift® is a noninvasive procedure performed under local anesthesia. To ease anxiety and for patient comfort, oral sedative and/or intramuscular injections are usually administered. The procedure is carried out in three stages. First, the location where you wish body fat being extracted from is marked and tumescent local anesthesia is slowly injected using a blunt instrument. After having a short wait to match the anesthetic medication to be effective, fat deposits is taken away under local anesthesia using a mini-liposuction method through specially engineered instruments. Second, the obtained fat is processed to concentrate the stem cells and increase their ratio towards the fat cells being ready for injection. Third, local anesthesia is given and also the super-charged adult stem cells out of your own body's fat along with some fat cells are injected. A bandage is placed on the area the location where the fat was taken. The whole procedure is performed all within the same day within four hours. People are in a position to walk and resume normal activities quickly after the Stem Cell Lift® procedure.

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