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Id invested the past 30 days arranging a remarkable proposal to the lady of my dreams. I met Sophia 6 months ago at a latin dancing class where she teaches contemporary dance routines. Being a fitness expert, I ended up being instantly stunned by her physical fitness and attractiveness. I had eventually found my missing bone after a very long search. Its been several months of being together by now and getting ready to tie the knot. We usually went on a regular outside run with each other. I before long picked one of those for our perfect proposal. Id asked my own friends to witness the moment. Everyone was situated at the neighborhoodparking lot. We had purchased an armband, that seemed like the right product for Storing our on-the-go items. "The engagement ring should be safe here" I thought to myself, but sadly, I was absolutely wrong. The two of us fastened the armband and inserted our telephones inside them then commenced the regular run. forty five minutes afterwards, we reached the parking lot where my friends were positioned, then I opted for a break. After a few moments of silence, I dropped to a knee and reached for my oval diamond engagement ring, the special gift from grandma prior to her dying, but it was lost. It had fallen off the armband, unseen. However, I immediately switched plans and pretended as though I required to adjust my shoelaces. My pals rapidly realized that it had gone bad and they aborted the objective simply by discretion. Everyone except sophie knew the ring was nowhere to be found. I could observe the looks of dismay in her eyes yet she said nothing. What an embarrassment That night, I was resolute to get it right the next time. But exactly how else could I do another special thing? I quickly rushed to the jeweler to get a new ring. I came back home and slept off while trying to plan my new move. The next morning, I received a mail from my pal Harry. The mail was tagged "get this and run again". It contains a web link of an fitness item but I got uninterested until I checked the link and viewed the page. A belt with a huge difference The Flip-in fitness storage belt, a special product that included a special design function."THE COIN SLOT" completely seals up a compartment of the fit-belt with a zipper and 2 break lines. Eureka I screamed aloud like a wounded lion. That had been my comeback technique. I decided to purchase two units of separate sizes for us. It was delivered at no shipping cost, absolutely free to our front doorstep 2days after completing the purchase. The packaging was so sleek and we loved that. What an brilliant product and service delivery That night, I secretly kept the ring in the coin slot of the Flip-in fitness belt and locked it . The following morning, I awoke to prepare for the daily routine while pondering on the proposal. Sophie had been awake earlier, so she had put on her Flip-in belt which was snugly fitted and prepared for the outdoor run without even noticing the ring. She tucked her IPhone 6 plus inside the other large slot and secure the keys to the key-hook made available. She also took some few dollar note and I.D. Check This Out At Http://Www.Amazon.Com/Flip Hands Free Traveling Functional Women Glowing/Dp/B00 Rcnd7 Gm/Workout Belt/ is a staggering database for more about the meaning behind it. Everything was set as she went hands-free. I later got prepared and joined her in the front porch. After sixtyminutes of running, we stopped to take a break, then the proposal followed when i went down on one knee and asked her to open the zipper, the ring was in the right position and every other item was right. Then followed the magical question. What a drama The proposal was a tremendous success as She shouted aloud with a big YES creating an episode while everybody cheered us. My Good friend Harry, became the best man for the wedding especially because he introduced this awesome product. N.B At the bachelors eve party, Harry softly said into my ears. "Sophie sent the mail".

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